Category Archives: 1970s

311V:Prominent Tubular

Pre 1970, fairly large format, color illustrated (vintage style) children’s book of fairy tales/nursery rhymes contains a story with an old woman baking a cake for a young male. Cake has prominent tubular peaks covering the surface. I think the illustration was on a left-hand page.

311L: Lost Little Girl (Solved)

My mother is looking for her favorite book from when she was in school. She remembers the cover art was a girl sitting on a wood fence. Her top is a white tank top and she has a long skirt and long brown hair. In the background there is a dirt road leading to a house. My mom says the title is something along the lines of ‘The Long Road Home’ or ‘A Long Way From Home’, and she says it might have been published in the 60’s or 70’s.

310Y: The Alphabet book

BC alphabet book from the 1980's. Soft cover, probably a burgundy colour. Place names from British Columbia, e. g. : Annie from Abbotsford, and then a little story about that. Bought for my son who was born 1982 so could've been published in the 70's? I believe he received it when he was 4 or 5 years old.


310O: The Murder Of A woman’s Teenage Daughter

I’m looking for a paperback book I read in the late 70s possibly the very earlier 80s. The book was non fiction, written about the murder of a woman’s teenage (she may have been in her early 20s) daughter. The mother solved the murder by receiving what she believed were messages from her dead daughter. The murderer was her daughter’s boyfriend (husband).

310L: Vulture eats the Profits

I am looking for a children’s book that I read to my son in the late 70’s.  It is about a vulture.  My vague recollection is that the vulture goes into business but keeps messing up by doing things like eating up all of the inventory etc.  He has other animal character friends that help him out.  It may have been a series of books about these animal characters.  The title could have been something like “Vulture eats the Profits “.
Any help that you can give me would be highly appreciated.   The book has sentimental value.


309C: 60s or 70s urban YA

This will probably be too little to go on, but I’ve been racking my brain for a year trying to remember a book I read when I was in middle school. It was YA and from the late 60s or 70s. It may have been a bit more of a pulp paperback than YA, but it was definitely geared towards young readers. It had an urban setting and there was a racial understanding component to the plot. I think the protagonist was white and he ended up befriending an African-American classmate. Almost anything else I try to remember about the plot (was there gang tensions? were they accused of a crime and had to hide out?) then convince me I’m remembering a different YA novel I read around the same time. The one thing I do seem to remember is totally pointless and trivial, but the main character sees the girl he likes in a corner store and causes her to lose her balance by knocking her in the back of the knees. I know it’s not much to go on, but I’m open to suggestions and guesses. Thanks!

307S: A kiss on the the elbow

I remember a library book about a group of children who discovered they had magic powers. I don’t believe it was any of Edward Eager’s books, and I also don’t think it was Mrs. Coverlet’s Magicians.

The tell-tale sign of magical ability was being able to kiss one’s own elbow. (Spoiler: I can’t.)

Can you help? I would have read it in the early 1970s, but I have no idea when it was published. I’m guessing the 1950s.