I’m thinking this book would have come out in the 70s or early 80s. The general plot, as I recall, was a friendly purple creature was friends with a young boy, and the creature had a seemingly magic yellow umbrella. The umbrella was used in a variety of helpful ways, culminating in the umbrella being used as a big swimming pool for all of the neighborhood children. Those are the primary details I remember; any help much appreciated!
Category Archives: 1970s
286C: Communication from a ticker tape box
1970s children’s sci-fi book series. It was about a small group of space explorers, one of which was a woman who had “supersight” and a small blob pet which communicated from a tiny ticker tape box on it.
286B: Patrolling the stars
1960s or 70s sci-fi children’s book series. It was about a space-faring duo patrolling the stars in a tiny two-man bubble-craft similar to the “Enterprise”, they encounter a ship called the “Pointspeed.”
285D: Boy and cat are best friends
I am looking for a children’s book from around 1980.
I do not recall the title or author, and the book may have been published before 1980. Let’s say anywhere between 1970 and 1982 or so. This was a favorite book of mine when I was a kid, and I used to take it out of my local branch of the St. Louis Public Library pretty regularly.
The one thing I DO remember were the fantastic illustrations. It was done in black and white, and the drawings looked as though they may have been pen and ink, or etchings, and they were very realistic.
Thematically, I remember a couple things about the story: A boy and his cat used to sit on a hill under their (or maybe the cat’s) favorite tree. At night, the cat would go have adventures on his own with his cat friends. Toward the end of the story, the cat died, and the boy and his mom decided to bury him atop the hill under the beloved tree. Then the boy would go there to remember the cat.
Specifically, I recall one page in the book that illustrated night time, when the cat would go with his cat friends. There is a house (presumably the cat’s) in the background, as though he has just been let out for the evening. In the foreground, you see the cat joining up with many, many neighborhood cats as they set off to roam around–a virtual cat army.
Thank you, and I look forward to seeing what you all come up with.
283F: Faint memories of a bad day
I’m looking for the title of a children’s picture book suitable for maybe grades 1-2 from late 1970’s or early-mid1980’s. I can’t remember barely anything except an illustration of a checkerboard floor and spilled peas, another page with a character with black hair and red shoes. I think the theme was how to cope with a very bad day or getting along with your sibling. I remember it as big, like 12″x 8″, maybe 15 pages. It’s absurd to ask given so little information but i can’t stop thinking about it!
283E: Martian or Moon dweller, visits earth
I’m looking for a vaguely remembered children’s book. It’s a picture book. I can’t reconstruct the whole plot but it had the following elements:
– EITHER a martian, extra-terrestrial or man-in-the-moon visiting earth, OR a boy that wants to fly to space. The former is more likely.
– This protagonist is reminded of his planet or the moon or the sun by seeing a balloon, and maybe also other round objects throughout the book.
– There is definitely a scene, towards the end of the book, where the protagonist walks back to his space vessel in the evening sun or moon.
– I remember the book had a melancholic feel. Maybe the protagonist is homesick or something. It was NOT a spectacular book on space travel. The martian is not scary, but cute and a little sad.
– It must predate 1983, possibly a book from much earlier (60s?) that my mother purchased at a library that got rid of old books.
283B: Babette and the Magpies
There was a children’s picture book that we had in the 1970s which seemed to be generally a Scandinavian based story about a brother and sister (who I believe was Babette) who lived on a farm or large piece of property. There were two sets of birds living on the property, one set were robins or finches or some small birds who lived in a thorn bush or some kind of dense shrub whose eggs were stolen/eaten by the two “thieving” magpies who lived high up in a very big tree on the farm. The boy and the girl were each given gifts and I believe that the girl’s was some sort of shiny red purse or red mittens which were again stolen by the magpies after she had set them down on the bench underneath the mapgpies’ tree. Because the tree was so tall, they couldn’t get the gift back and both the little girl and the small birds were very sad and angry with the magpies. One winter night there was a terrible storm and the large tree fell down and the next day the girl found the missing gift and the magpies were forced to fly away.
283A: Boxed set of illustrated fairy tales (Solved)
I am looking for a boxed set of wonderfully illustrated fairy tales from the 1970s.
This was given to me in 1974 or 1975 by my grandparents.
The books were huge, maybe 11×14, and contained 3-4 stories in each. The set must have had at least 10-12 books. They were covered in a hard cloth-cardboard, thin, no more than a half-inch thick, and in pastel colors of blue, pink, yellow, orange.
There was a distinctive, oblong sun logo or emblem on each book but not sure if that was the publisher’s. They may have been from Reader’s Digest or Random House. I think they were mail order.
The stories I remember were Sleeping Beauty, Thumbelina (this was my favorite because of a sweet picture of Thumbelina nursing the Bird), The Brave Tin Soldier though there were many, many more. I think it was a mix of authors, not just one.
The last time I had the set was in 1992 in Ithaca, NY.
282J: Quiet cozy things to do
Small late 60’s/early 70s children’s book- I ‘think’ it was about quiet cozy things to do, but I especially remember a picture of a snail outside in a light rain by pebbles and I think an upside down pail in one picture. I’m pretty sure it was watercolor illustrations. Sorry so vague I was quite little and my grandmother used to look at the book with me.
282C: A ball-boy searchers for a four leaf clover
A young boy is the bat/ball boy for a baseball team. Trying to help them improve he searches for four leaf clovers, makes some for the team. There is a fake bunt and a hit in the game to win. Read in late 1960’s or early 70’s.