Hello, I’m looking for a children’s book, or possibly young adult book, about a male ghost. It is a chapter book. I was born in 1973, and I am guessing I read this book between the ages of 8 and 12. The main character was a girl, and a male ghost befriends her. I *think* this happens after she moves to a new area, and I feel like her family becomes concerned about her. This is all that I remember.
Category Archives: 1980s
322R: Poor Girl Helps Former Affluent Girl Find Lost Ring (Solved!)
I’m hoping you can help me find a book. I remember a wonderful book being in my library at Elementary School, I checked it out so often I wasn’t allowed to check it out anymore – and now I can’t remember its name. I think it was a children’s or young adult book? This would have been mid to late 80s.
It was about a poor girl who lived with her father. They were very, very poor and the book mentioned they couldn’t afford heat so she had to take cold showers but often went dirty. She didn’t have many friends but then befriended an affluent girl. This affluent girl’s family then fell on hard times and the affluent friend lost a ring – I think a garnet ring? The poor girl thought if she could find the ring she could solve her new friend’s family’s money issues. I think she found the stone of the ring in her friend’s dress belt/sash. Her friend may have contracted a disease like polio in the book.
I’d love any help you may know about this!
322N: Aliens Use TV For Mind Control (Solved)
Seeking a Kid's Book, I believe I read it in the early 80’s. About aliens invading and a group of friends trying to stop it? Or kids who had a machine that allowed them to make people think aliens were invading via TV. . . sort of a kid's War of the Worlds. Or kids get a machine from aliens to control people via the TV. May have had some device for mind control like TV or remote control. I think it took place in a big city. Had a cartoon-like cover. . . there may have been similar illustrations throughout the book. It was for kids 8-12 range I’d guess. I know it’s not the book series “Tripods”, for younger kids than that. I was young when I read it. . it's driving me nuts!!! Thanks
322L: Historical fiction for teens, set in 1800s or early 1900s
I purchased this book in the late 1970s or early 1980s. It was about a girl who started out very poor, but whose father somehow struck it rich (gold?). I don’t seem to remember a mother. The MC made friends with a girl who was from a proper family. Maybe they met at boarding school. The MC fell in love with the friend’s brother but it was always intimated that she might be too “new money” to be suitable for him. The MC also befriended a colorful actress named, Florie or Flossie. Her advice was to be flashy and I seem to remember the phrase “plenty of ooh la la”. But gradually the MC realized that the actress might be a bit gauche. One main struggle was the MC trying to seem well-bred and not like new, flashy money. I remember scenes of the MC being fitted for and purchasing new, elegant clothes.
321L: Amnesiac Girl Buys Horse (Solved)
I am looking for a 1960-1980 era book, about a girl with amnesia that ends up working on a horse farm, buys a horse from going to slaughter, and then discovers she used to be rich and jumped show horses. Her step parent [I want to say father] ended up being the culprit. The point of view was from the girl, and I want to say the book starts with a car accident, which causes the amnesia.
321I: Tombstone Mystery (Solved)
Seeking a children’s book from the 80s. Possibly a tombstone on the cover. A mystery. Her parents leave her at home alone. She solves the mystery by reaching into a coffin and finding something. She is wet and muddy.
321G: POW Rescued By Woman Of The Night
I’m looking for a book I read many years ago, probably around the mid 1990’s, but I’m sure it was written much earlier than that, likely the early 80’s. From what I remember, it was a story about a POW or prison camp escape and/or rescue of a woman by a man who falls in love with her. I believe she may have been a prostitute and it may have been set during or adjacent to the Vietnam war era.
I remember one character, an older woman (perhaps a brothel Madam?) saying something like “she ain’t nothing but two hips and a hole” or similar when referring to the girls being prostituted.
321E: Children’s Firefighter Book
I am looking for a children’s book from approximately late1980’s to early 1990’s. It is a book about firefighters. We cannot remember the title. But we do remember some excerpts. “Are the tanks filled? Are the axes sharp”
This was my sons book and we would like to find it for him.
321D: Mythical Animals From The 80s
Hi! I am looking for a book that my son adored as a child, but neither of us can remember the title or author. It was an illustrated book about a mythical land with strange creatures: snake-like reptiles that coiled into circles to roll downhill and sometimes blew a flat, zebra/horse creatures that had to walk backwards, because their knees bent the wrong way. That’s all I can remember. I hope someone else knows it! Thank you!
320Z: Santa’s Mirrors
I’m looking for a Christmas book I read in the 80s. It was about how Santa had a mirror & that’s how each place had a Santa. I think it was published by Avon.