Category Archives: 1990s-
360S: Truly Scary Stories
I’m looking for a book from my childhood that I can’t remember the name of. It would have been 2000’s most likely 2001-2004. It was a compilation of scary stories that were actually scary. It’s a book for older kids. It is NOT scary stories to tell in the dark, or any of the Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark series.
The cover had a skeleton on it and he was sitting in a rocking chair and it looked like he was maybe in an old attic. I think there were books and candles around him. Maybe a cat or a spider, or both. The cover was a blue - grey color.
Each story had an illustration that went with it in black and white. I remember there being a story about a dog being under a girls bed licking her hand.
I can’t be certain, but the book may have come from a scholastic book fair.
360N: Older man with suitcase
From what I remember, it is a male author within the last 20 years. There are two books I remember.
First it starts out with a homeless man under a pier and an older gentlemen talks to him, and tells him to start reading biographies on famous historical people.
Second book (same author) talks about an older gentleman who always carries an old suitcase. He helps others throughout the book.
I think the author’s name is Andy (but not sure). He is a best selling author. The first book is actually about himself and he goes on to be a multi-millionaire businessman.
I’m just looking for the author’s name. I know he’s done more recent books, but I can’t remember his name.
Thanks for your help in this area.
360G: Rivalry Turns Into Romance
360E: Alphabet Shaped Houses Series
359Y: Female Fiddler and the Friendly Fairies
This book is about a traveling young fiddler (female?). She encounters friendly fairies, plays better and better, goes to different venues, sometimes ends up in another realm. I read it in the late 1990s, but it could be older than that. Beautifully and whimsically written. Probably YA.
359U: Teenage Girl Summer Coming of Age YA Novel with Oral Sex Scene
359S: Spoiled Girl Takes Out Frustrations on Poor Girl Nicknamed “Safety Pins”
I am trying to find the title and/or author of a paperback book bought at a book fair from the late 80s early 90s.
359O: Teen Romance on Spring Break Cruise
This is an 80s, possibly early 90s, teen romance. A girl goes on a spring break cruise with her grandma. She has a crush on one of the ship’s workers. And also meets another passenger that is the “funny” boy. The ship’s worker leads her on a bit. One funny part is; she takes way too many tanning pills and turns orange trying to impress him. She ends up with the funny boy in the end. I thought his name was possibly Jace or something similar.
359L: Secret Twin With Gloves On Hands
I have been trying to remember this book I read as a teen in the 90s for years now and it’s starting to drive me crazy.