Category Archives: 1990s-

338Q: Following the Mysterious Red Thread

The book I want to find is a children’s book. I am guessing it was published between the 1980s and early 1990s. The plot of the story is that these two girls (likely sisters) that are princesses and they find this mysterious red thread in their kingdom or castle. They often repeat “What is it? What is it? What could it be?” as they follow this red thread. Eventually the story ends with them finding where this red thread originated from, it was a large cat playing with a giant roll of red yarn. All pictures are cartoon drawings. I think it was a small hardcover book bound by that gold or silver lining.

338K: Baby Dinosaur Can’t Pronounce His Favorite Snacks

I’d love your help trying to find a favorite book of mine from my childhood. I was born in 1989 and I feel like this book was published sometime in the early 90s, but I am not 100% sure.
Here’s what I remember: a younger dinosaur wants a snack, but his caregiver (I think his mother) can’t understand what he’s saying when he tells her what he’d like to eat. I specifically remember two of the snacks he requests are jelly beans and donuts. Instead of “jelly beans” or “donuts” however, he says something like “Belly jeans” or “blownuts.”

338J: A Day at the Beach

I’m almost certain the title of the book was either “A Day at the Beach” or “Beach Day” or some such thing. It was a children’s picture book that looked like it was from the mid to late 1980s or early 1990s. It was about a group of dogs who spend a day at the beach. They drive a (red?) car to the beach with a beach umbrella, there’s sand in one of the dog’s sandwiches, a crab pinches one of their toes, and then they pack up, shake out the sand from the blanket, and head home. The colours were kind of muted, there weren’t a lot of words per page, but it wasn’t quite on the level  of “See Spot Run” or anything.
Any help or leads would be greatly appreciated!

338E: “I like Men and I like Dogs”

I bought a collection of short stories over 20 years ago and lost the book.
Didn’t realize that book meant so much to me.  Was changed by every story.
I only remember the book was by a woman whose last name was Kennedy and it was an award winning collection—and what award I don’t remember.  The author was not a British author, the first name was not Cate and not Louise
SoftCover was electric blue with yellow text.  On the back of the book there was a quote from the opening line of one of the stories: “I like men and I like dogs.”
Have searched all over.
And lastly, this book was written by a direct, frank woman – nothing flowery,

338B: “If Pigs Could Fly”

I am searching for a book from my childhood.  I believe it is titled “If Pigs Could Fly”, but may be titled “When Pigs Fly”.  It may have been a collection of stories or poems.  The most memorable thing about the book were the illustrations.  Intricate, stunning, and enchanting illustrations … almost magical.  On the cover, there is some sort of kingdom – maybe a castle in the background.  A young girl is riding a pig through the air, but she is only a small part of the cover illustration.
My Inside Self, which I believe is a poem by Rachel Field, is one of the poems I recall.  The illustration is of a little girl, short and portly, standing in front of her mirror dressed as a ballerina.  In her reflection in the mirror she sees a gorgeous, thin, delicate adult ballerina.
My mom thinks a British friend of hers gave us the book, so it’s possible it was a published in the UK (but not certain).
I would guess this book was published between 1987-1995.
I have searched many, many databases and haven’t had luck.  There are many other books with this title.  One even has “funny poems for kids”… the one I’m looking for was more about dreaming big and reaching for the stars — I think!


337X: Brother Who Grows Pot and Sister Who Works As Barista

This book appears to be written by an ex-boyfriend and girlfriend who agree to write alternating chapters. The book includes their email conversations as they struggle over where the plot will go and rehash relationship mishaps.  It is very funny.  The mystery plot involves a brother and sister who live in a rural area.  He grows pot illegally and she works as a barista….

337W: Scared Ghost Loses His Candy

I had this book back around kindergarten and now I’m a senior. I remember it was a block book, (I could be wrong, however) it was small, and it was a Halloween book. Sadly, the only piece of plot I remember is that the ghost ate candy, and then when it got scared, the candy fell out of him. I hope this helps!!

337T: Girl Starves Herself Trying To Feed Dead Brother

I randomly remembered a book I read probably a few years ago now. I only remember a few oddly specific things.

For starters, this main girl had a brother and she would bring food out to their yard to him and that is just always where they met up. By a tree, I think. Then later we find out that the brother is actually dead and she has been imagining this all. And the food she was giving him in like these sandwich bags is her food and she wasn’t eating. So she sort of accidentally starved herself. And I think at a point near the end, the parents see all of the sandwich bags full of food out by the tree and sort of realize what has been going on.

That is all I can remember, I hope you can help!!