Category Archives: Early Reader

263H: A puppy waits for the perfect owner (Solved)

Probably considered a “first reader” though might qualify as a picture book. Read to me in the late 70’s but could be as early as late 60’s. The book is about puppies in a pet store window waiting for their owners to choose them. The cover (or an illustration inside if not the cover) is a view of the pet store storefront with two windows on either side of the door. Puppies on both sides. In the book people keep coming in and choosing dogs and they all resemble the person choosing them. A take on the dogs look like their owner concept. Tall skinny people with tall skinny dogs…etc. The beagle puppy is waiting and waiting until a boy in a baseball hat (red?) comes in for him. I think the boy had previously seen the dog and had been told he had to save his money.

The illustrations might be mainly line draws and are in yellow/brown/red tones as far as I remember. My mother belonged to a book club that automatically sent books so this may have been a book club selection. It’s so frustrating to be able to remember it so clearly but not be able to find it. Hopefully someone can help!



262J: Heroes fight a green monster

Trying to find the name of a kids picture book I used to read.  It was between 1985 to 1995; it was an action book bout a hero or heroes fighting against a green monster.  The only thing I remember about one of the books is the heroes chase the green monster, with two orange tentacles things from his mouth, into the water and the book said “to be continued.”

If you can find what those books are called I’d be so happy.

260E: Ball

No author that I recall.  It was a small [~3-4″ by ~6-7″] hardback book with glossy color cover. A leaf-green border and white center background with a red ball [it might have had a yellow stripe around it].

The first line on the first page is: “The ball lay on the ground wanting to be thrown.” It is the tale of the adventure of this ball being tossed from place to place by random individuals. Not more than 20 pages total, probably less. It ended on the last page with: ” … wanting to be thrown again … ”

I thought it was from Germany; my husband thought it was from France. But neither of us recalls ever actually reading the publication/copyright page.

We bought it in a little boutique toy store [long gone] in Pasadena in the mid to late 80s.

I wish I had more details. It disappeared from my goddaughter’s room, and was never found. I have a new grandson, and would love to find it for him.

257F: A girl befriends an otter

My mom is looking for a book from her early childhood that was destroyed in a fire.  She was born in 1952 in Ohio.  So this book was probably from the 50s.  She cannot remember the name of the book.  It was probably an early/easy reader (and not a baby book or chapter book).


The story is about a young girl who befriends an otter.  That’s all I know.

254A: Small chapter book on solving mysteries (Solved)

Okay, this book was maybe from the early- to mid- 90’s, and is a “mystery” book, but wasn’t a series – it had several small chapters, with a story and a picture. Based on the story, and the picture, you had to try and solve the “mystery”. They were simple – one took place in a school classroom where a small windmill made out of popsicle sticks had been broken, and the reader had to figure out if the open window and a strong gust of wind broke it, or if another classmate did. The answers (and specific hints about the clues that helped to solve it) were all in the back.

252D: : Children’s Book series from 1980’s

I remember a series of children’s mystery books from when I was in 1st grade, which would’ve been 1987-1988. Each book in the series had the same color hard cover. The hard cover was thin and maybe glossy. I remember a series having an orange cover, but there was a different series from the same author or publisher that had a different color hard cover.

From my memory, I seem to remember there being a British-ness to the books. Some took place in a city, others in the country.

I remember liking the books and now that I have children, I’d like to read these books to them.


248K: Boy and chauffeur search for lost cockatoo

Standard 32 page color children’s book with illustrations. I believe the boy was sickly. One day his cockatoo (or parrot) flew (or was blown?) out the window, and he and his chauffeur or butler drove all around the country looking for the bird. As they went, parts of the body of their car kept falling off, and they kept having to replace the parts with colorful, non-matching parts. Eventually, I think they found the bird.