Category Archives: Early Reader

301A: The pups get into several cans of paint

Hello! I am so hoping you can help me find an old children's book. Unfortunately I don't have a I know I'm asking a lot.

The description of the book is about two dogs – one big (brown?) dog and one a small (black/multicolored?) dog. The book cover is hardcover, white background with the two dogs on it and several cans of paint. The story is about these two pups getting into several cans of colorful paint, painting paw prints all over the walls (and themselves).

It was my favorite book – I read it over and over as a child. I thought I had saved it but have been unable to find it in my moving boxes from over the years.

Estimated date of the book would be early 1970’s.

300X: The fertile farm bought with three moths (Solved)

This is for my husband. He said he had a reader he loved as a kid. It was published by Scholastic. He said it is about a family who loses everything. The father, mother and at least two kids get in their car and head out. They end up buying a farm which is not fertile because they were taken advantage off. However, the farm is kind of magical and becomes fertile. The farmer who sold it to them comes back at toward the end of the book and wants it back. He says that the father of the family had said he would buy the farm with everything in his wallet and that he did not hold his end of the bargain because there were three moths in his wallet he did not give away. The farmer proceeds to plant trees which grow immediately and turn the day to night because of the shade of their canopies. The family goes hunting for moths with a flashlight and find three moths to pay the bad man with.


300P: Travels the world while floating in a bubble

I don’t know the title, but I checked it out from a local library in McAllen, TX about 20 years ago. It is a children’s book with pictures on every page about a small animal (like a hamster or gerbil or mouse?) who travels the world while floating in a bubble. I think the cover was dark blue or purple, and I believe one of the places he went was Paris. I apologize if this isn’t enough detail, but its all I remember. I had it checked out the maximum amount of times and want to own it now for my own kids.

Thanks for your help.

300O: 1970s book about baby brother

I’m looking for a book I had in the 1970s. It was about a little girl who was, I think, called Amy.  She was upset her mother had a new baby brother until it ended up that she was the only one who could make him laugh.  The whole book was in orange and white. Pleas help me find it.  It could have been called something along the lines of

A Brother For Amy

Amy’s New Brother

Amy’s Baby Brother


Thank You,

300N: The mother who made Dough Soup

I checked this book out from the library in 1st grade (2006-2007), and it involved the story of a poor mother with many children who couldn’t afford to feed her family. She got a job as a maid at a rich woman’s house, and rather than wash her hands after making dough, she would simply take the dough that was on her hands home and make doughs soup. Eventually she meets these people in a forest or something who give her a pot of gold, and give the mean lady she worked for a pot of snakes.

That’s all I can remember, but I would really appreciate the help.

299K: Naughty Boy Who Runs Away in a Tote Bag (Solved)

I read this book in the mid-80s; It’s either a picture book or a young reader book.

I think it may have been from a Scholastic/other company book order from submitted through school. I think (I don’t know why I think this) it may have been translated into English, possibly from a Scandinavian language.

I  believe it was about a kind of naughty little boy; his mother was always exasperated with him, but she made it clear to him she loved him no matter what.

He got into all sorts of trouble, including, I think cutting a wolf’s fur with scissors. As drawn, the little boy had bright yellow hair.

The most vivid thing about the book from my memory is a single  scene and an illustration of that scene: the little boy was running away from home, and he did so by taking a bag– a sort of tote bag– of his mother’s, cutting some holes in the bottom, and climbing in. His legs and feet stuck out of the holes, but none of the rest of his body is visible. In the picture, you see the bag with legs running down a little path or road.

I’ve been searching for this book for a while. I remember my mother and i finding it very entertaining and sweet, and would love to know what it is.

298E: An Easy Reader

I am hoping to find more information about an Easy Reader type book my teacher used when I was in the first grade, circa 1990.

The book was a series of red books, and the words were phonetic. I believe each book had multiple short stories. I remember one was about an African American boy who finds a Genie. The book definitely had a black boy and a genie, I may be conflating the two.

This cover looked familiar to me. The reader I am thinking of, may or may not be this one or have an image on the cover. I distinctly remember it was red.

I also remember the clothing of the illustrations within the book looked dated to me as a child, which I think means the book may have been published in the 70s or 80s originally.



298C: Hurry! Hurry! (Solved)

Children’s book with a mustard-olive color cover (as I recall):

Artwork throughout shows a busy woman in a long coat hurrying everywhere.  Everywhere she goes people say “don’t be in such a hurry or something worse may happen” and it does – all kinds of unfortunate accidents due to her hurrying.  Finally one day she steps in glue and is forced to slow down…and she realizes that there is more to life than getting there.  At the end of the day she decides not to remove all the glue from her shoes, because she likes going slower.

I would SO love to find this book!