Category Archives: Mystery

204A: Late 1950’s: kids solve mystery of where to find what is hidden/buried in the old house/building

I don’t remember really any more than this; once again, the kids were stumped because the map they found had directed them to find what was buried (in the old house/building) in a spot related to a fireplace or chimney in the house; but they couldn’t find what was buried, until they figured out that since the map was drawn, the old house/building had either some of the fireplaces walled off OR some of the chimneys removed (or some interior walls added or removed). Only then were they able to find the right spot to “dig”, to find what was hidden/buried in the house/building.

This book/story was read to my class in the late ’50’s in 4th, or 5th grade.

202C: Haunted house cobbler trap doors girls

I found the book in question in the children’s fiction shelves of an army post library in the Panama Canal Zone in 1964 or 1965.
The story centered around two girls who explored an old abandoned house in their neighborhood. The house was supposedly haunted; from time to time the “tap-tap-tap” sound of a cobbler’s hammer repairing shoes could be heard.
Eventually, a boy they know decides to enter the house too, but they decide to avoid him and are able to do so by using the numerous trap doors in the house to move around undetected.

193D: Young adult book with boy hero chasing spies

Kids fiction. I probably read it in the late 1970s. A boy is worried that he’s discovered a spy or crime situation. One memorable scene: he and his grandmother (I believe he lived with her) are talking about it and he’s afraid their room is bugged so he makes them sit under a blanket to talk. There were simple line drawing illustrations which didn’t concern themselves much with actual human proportions.

186E: Clue Embedded In Turquoise Jewelry

I read this book in maybe 1980-81, it was my favorite ever! It was a young adult book, the main character was a girl going to spend time at her aunt’s? after the death of her father. The aunt had either a hotel or ranch in the desert, somehow horses were involved (either belonging to the aunt, or a neighboring ranch). The girl befriended the daughter of one of the aunts employees (who wasn’t nice to her at first) and would ride horses (there may have been a ranch hand named Jasper?). There was a treasure involved as well……. Her father had given her a turquoise ring or beads (I can’t remember which), and somehow the clue to the treasure was embedded in the jewelry, maybe micro dots ? The girls returned from a ride to find that a burglary had occurred but the jewelry wasn’t taken as she had left it casually on the dresser “hidden in plain sight”. The book was a turquoise colored hardback, and I think it was in the “A-B” section of the childrens library. I have been searching for YEARS to find this, I have a great memory and I can’t believe I can’t remember this book as I read it over and over again! Help!