Category Archives: Picture Book

334L: Old lady looking for her missing glasses

I am looking for a children's picture/story book about an old lady who lost her glasses. She looks everywhere in her house for them; under flowerpots, etc. The story ends when she finds them on her back. She had them on a string tied around her neck. There was a companion book about a farmer, but I don’t recall what that was about. It was at least 8x10, tan and not a thick book. Thinking it was 50’s/ early 60’s.

334E: Argyle Socks For Birds Unravels Business Plans (Solved!)

This is an illustrated children’s book about a little Scottish boy (possibly named Angus) who makes friends with a sparrow in the winter. The boy’s family owns an argyle sock factory. The poor little sparrow is so cold outside in the winter, it sits shivering on a tree branch, switching from one foot to another in an attempt to stay warm. The little boy has the “perfect” solution to this problem: make his little bird friend a wee pair of argyle socks.

Well, the little sparrow is so chuffed about his own new cozy warm socks, he goes to the other birds in the trees to show them off. Soon, all the birds think they too should have a pair of lovely warm argyle socks, and so either the boy or the bird decides to go into the factory (full of huge spools of wool yarn), and make thousands of pairs of wee birdie socks.

In the morning, the boy’s family comes to work, but alas, there is no more yarn left for their business. They will be ruined! So, feeling bad for taking advantage of the little boy’s kindness, all the birds unravel their socks, and reassemble the giant spools of yarn. The factory is saved! Afterwards, the birds get to live in the factory rafters, where they are always warm, and don’t need socks.

The book may have originally been brought back by a relative from the UK (they’ve since passed), but it was read in Kentucky if that helps pinpoint the origin.

Thank you for your help.

334C: War of the Seasons, as the Seasons Pass

Hello, I hope you can help me find this book for my dad! The book is a picture book (which my parents gave me) for children and is about the passing of the seasons, especially winter and summer. I do not remember much text, there may not have been any. The drawings are page size (the book was hardcover and large) and beautifully drawn and very detailed, some with a view of what happens on the surface as well as underground. The drawings show the retreating winter in spring, and the advancing winter in the autumn. Winter and summer are represented by large armies of creatures (dwarfs?) and animals battling each other. I vividly remember a (cute) rodent pulling a sort of oversized triangular spiral drill (with a handle) in a tunnel. A large tree behind which armies gather. The summer army bombards the winter one with some objects (flowers?). The images are very natural, no machines. It is not a violent battle, more symbolic, there were flowers, nuts, trees. In the spring, winter is retreating, and in the autumn summer is on the back-foot. The scenes were spring-like and autumn-like respectively, with the parts of the scenery representing summer and on which the summer army was gathered being more lush than the parts representing winter, which were more harsh. I cannot recall a plot or story line other than this recurrent passing of the seasons. I do not remember a protagonist, there may not have been one. I do not think there were many pages, perhaps a dozen or so. I read the book in the mid to late eighties in Germany. There may have been two editions, one in German and the other one in English. The book may have come to Germany from the UK/Ireland. I have reasons to believe that the original was in English. It somehow was a very special book, to me anyhow. Thank you for your help!

333U: A Three Star Bear or The Three Star Bear, maybe even Three Star Bear

What the story is about is a little bear, who is always good and always on the right side of everything, receives three stars and then brags to his friends – a raccoon, a rabbit, and I don’t remember the others.  But his friends get tired of the bragging and say something not very nice, so he decides to be a bad bear instead.  I think he ties the raccoon’s fur in knots.  But in the end, he fixes everything and learns his lesson.  It was maybe a 20-page book with illustrations on every page.

The front of the book has the little bear walking through the woods.  Kind of pink or peach border around the picture.  The picture is just black and white, no color.  The little bear looks a lot like the bear in the stories of “Little Bear” by Else Holmelund Minarik; however, they are not by the same author.

I was in Elementary School when we found it at the library one day, and it was my mother’s favorite book of all time.  I still remember my mother reading it to me and how she made me laugh, and I would love to get it for her.  I just can’t find this book.

I am 42 now and it was 1982-989 time frame that it was in the library.  If you can find this, it would be a welcome surprise for my mother.  Thank you for your time on this.

333S: Teenage Girl Helps Orphaned Foxes in their Den

My mom (born in 1960) has long searched for this book she read in her childhood. She consulted with librarians and even wrote a letter to the Toronto Star, but none of the suggestions were it. She gave up in the '90s. It was a picture book (for children) about a teenage girl who finds a den of orphaned fox cubs and cares for them in the den, rather than taking them home. The illustrations were in pencil crayon or pastel style. She believes it wasn't an old book back then, so it was probably published in the late '50s or '60s.


333R: Interactive Alphabet Sounds

I am looking for a children’s interactive alphabet sound book that was purchased in the 90's at either Price Club or Costco. I believe it had a white cover with the soundboard of alphabet letters attached to the side of the book. Each letter would play a sound. All I can remember is that the “T” was for trombone. This is all I can remember at this point. Thank you!

333N: Dinosaur Rainbow

Seeking the following book:

– children’s book

– owned in late 1980’s

– title something about Dinosaur Picnic?
– each page was a different color dinosaur….. One page I remember was ” the purple dinosaurs gathered round to play”?
– the last page was….. “Then all the different dinosaurs gathered round to play and made a PERFECT rainbow to brighten up their day.”

333M: Boy (Artist?) Finds Flower Fairy, Keeps it in a Glass Dome (Solved!)

This is a book my sister checked out from our Elementary School Library when we were kids. It’s a picture book. We read it some time between 1996–’99. Absolutely no later than 2001, as we moved to a different state and elementary school that year. I would guess that the book was published in the 80s or 90s. I thought the main character was a prince because I seem to remember him being dressed in fancy medieval purple clothes, but I’m not sure. I think it was just a medieval sort of setting in the story. My sister said she thought he was an artist who was sketching throughout the story. Obviously we don’t remember those details super well. I don’t remember how much text there was because I don’t think I was able to read when my sister got it and our mom read it to us. I don’t think it was a Golden book, but I’m honestly not sure about the cover or anything more technical like that. It MIGHT have been a taller book (rectangular and long on the vertical sides). I’m pretty darn sure it was a standard length bedtime story/picture book. What I remember the most is the major plot points, so that’s what’s most important to follow.
The boy (prince or artist) is out in a beautiful garden (I think he was trying to sketch flowers, but I’m not sure) and he finds a beautiful fairy inside a flower. I think he tries to draw her but decides to take her home so he has a better chance to do so. He keeps the fairy in his house by the window in a glass dome (just like the dome over the rose in Disney’s Beauty and the Beast) and he tries to draw her again but just isn’t able to capture her beauty. The fairy needs flowers to stay alive, so he surrounds her with vases full of beautiful flowers. I think he must have told someone about her or something because I think people from all over end up visiting to see her, and they bring flowers until the room she’s in is brimming full with flowers. (Maybe this was how he made money for a while?) One day/night when there are no visitors, he decides to try to draw the fairy again (either that or he just wants to look at her again because she’s so beautiful), and he realizes that she’s still dying despite all the tons and tons of flowers around her. He realizes that she has to be outside with the living flowers in order to remain beautiful and survive, so he decides to let her go. It was kind of a bittersweet ending, and I remember having the feeling that he would never see her again, but she would at least be alive.
The illustrations in this book were stunningly beautiful. They were more on the realistic end of the scale (NOT cartoony or made of scraps of paper or anything kitschy), and I think they were maybe pastels, watercolors, or colored pencil illustrations. I remember the main boy being blonde with bangs and almost shoulder-length hair (but I could be totally wrong about that). The fairy was the kind that was long, thin, and very elegant. I think she might have been dressed in a flower or dressed in very little, if at all. I remember lots of pictures of big, brightly colored flowers like Easter lilies, day lilies, and irises, etc. I have a specific memory of a two-page spread with the boy on the far left side looking at the fairy on the right side while it’s under the glass dome and next to the window, with a few flowers around it.
We both have absolutely no idea what the text in the book looks like (I only remember pictures), and we have absolutely no clue as to the title or author, but we’ve been wanting to find it and have kept our eyes peeled for 20+ years, so any help would be SO appreciated. So far I really haven’t found anything that seemed even a little bit similar.