Category Archives: Picture Book

325H: Boy And Duck Are Best Friends

There’s a little boy and his best friend, a duck. They play together every day, and then one day, the little boy is nowhere to be found. The duck looks in the house, at the pond, and everywhere he can think of. He’s very sad when he can’t find the little boy, but then the little boy comes home and tells the duck he had been at school. I believe the illustrations were in a watercolor-like style. This book was read to me frequently as a child; I have few clear memories of it, and my parents don’t remember any details, including title, author, or publication year.

325E: Dan and Dee’s Diving Adventures

This is a tough one.  I am looking for a kid’s book from when my daughter was 5 (2000). It was a book that my mother-in-law got second hand….not sure what year it was.  It was a kid’s picture book with not too many pages (probably less than 20). We have tried and tried to find this book online and no luck. It was about Dan and his wife Dee and their diving adventures. Want to get it for my daughter as a birthday gift, if I can ever find it.

325D: Huge Book of Bedtime Fairy Tales

My book of bedtime stories? Huge light blue book with pictures of the characters on front and inside the cover. Beautiful thick pages with each first letter having vines/ flowers. One fairy tale was about a poor boy who had to do heaps of tasks in order to marry the king’s daughter. Like row a boat on land and catch heaps of rabbits? Ect. I think another story may have been called Princess Gloria. She was locked in a dungeon and had to sort through millions of coloured threads. Another story was called The Fountain of Youth. And I think The Little Match Girl was also in this book. Please, please help me find this book. I have been searching for it for 20 years. So looking forward to hearing from you.

324X: People Do Their Night Jobs

Seeking a 1940s or 1950s children’s picture book.  I believe the illustrations were somewhat colored and others were only line drawings of color.
The story tells about all the different jobs that people do during the night while we sleep, such as the mail trucks, milk trucks, or trains that deliver things.  Bakeries, maybe?
It was a treasured book at my great-grandmother’s house for my father when he was little, and then I read it over and over when I was little.  Sadly, it was either sold or taken by his aunt when the estate was settled.

324W: Dinosaurs Galore

I was looking for my favorite book as a child when I stumbled across this website.  It was a hardcover (thinner) book on Dinosaurs.  The covers were gray, I believe it had a Tyrannosaurus Rex on the front cover, possibly in red writing.
Regretfully I don’t remember the exact title, just Dinosaurs, it was purchased around 1992.
Each page showed large depictions of each dinosaur in its natural habitat and some pictures were quite scary (or maybe that’s because I was a kid).
On the back cover or towards the back of the picture book it had a depiction of a Saber Tooth Tiger attacking or eating another dinosaur.

324T: Redhead Making A Necklace

I’m looking for a picture book that is possibly German, maybe Swedish or maybe something else. It is illustrated in a very rough ripped paper collage. There is a little girl who is making a necklace; I think she is naked or  barely clothed. She has red hair. At one point she goes into a cave with gems and gets a gem for her necklace. I never actually read the words as I don’t speak whatever language it was in. She may have also gotten a shell for her necklace but I’m less sure of that. Thanks so much for any help.

324Q: Aesop’s Fables and Fairy Tale Collection

Looking for an illustrated hardcover children’s book, a collection of fairy tales from the late 1970s to the mid 1980s. It contained stories from Hans Christian Anderson (including The Princess and the Pea), the Grimm Brothers, and other authors. It included The Happy Prince by Oscar Wilde. It also had a section of Aesop’s Fables. The table of contents separated out the Aesop’s Fables from the other types of stories. Please help me find this book, thank you so much!

324J: Man On Beach With Watch Is Real Bore

This one seems a real stumper but I would be so grateful to anyone who can help! Do not know the title.

It’s all a bit fuzzy but here is what I remember.  It was about a man who would stand on a beach (I think) maybe in France. The pictures were pastel colored and the beach goers (men ) wore those lovely long old bathing suits with stripes and they would change in little tents on the beach. Like the 1920’s ….. but it may have been later.  The man, our protagonist, clad in a three piece suit would occasionally be asked the time by a passerby and he would pull out his pocket watch and start nattering on about its materials and history, of which he was very proud. Eventually the people would move on, never getting the time out of him.

The point was he was lonely and eager to engage anyone in conversation. So would bore them to death with his watch’s details. “This part is gold plated and was made in the time of King Louis the XVI or such and such. “ or something like that.

I grew up in the 70’s in Europe so it may be more European and not American – like the Enid Blytons etc…… I miss my dad reading this to me. Want to find this book. Can you help?