Category Archives: Picture Book

316L: Two children visit island they are warned not to. Children’s picture book 80s.

I am looking for a children’s picture book from the 80’s.

Synopsis: Two island children were told by their elders not to ever visit a certain island near them as there was danger there, so naturally, the two adventurers decided to go anyway. They were frightened off by somebody wearing a scary mask and they scampered back to their canoe and back to the safety of their own island.

Pictures: It was pretty much a picture book with vivid illustrations on every page, with a little writing in big bold print. Lots of palm trees and jungly illustrations.

316K: Bizarre Candy Shop

I’m searching for a children’s book from the 1940’s or 50’s.  I thought it was a Little Golden Book but I don’t think it is now.  It was my mother’s favorite.  It had a story about a woman taking care of children and I believe she took him into a candy store and there were stars on the ceiling.  She broke off 1 of her fingers and turned it into a piece of candy for them to suck on.  It’s very bizarre; I remember her reading it to me and she just loved it and I would like to know what this the title of it was so I can find it for her.  She used to read me “Little orphan Annie came to our house to stay…” put a candle underneath her face and do this voice.  It was wonderful and slightly creepy all at once.  She owned a bookstore when I was little so I’ve been reading since I was 3; no TV or video games allowed, but as many books as we pleased, most of them children’s books over 100 years old.  Lamb on Wheels; The Adventures of Frog and Toad; everything Mark Twain – I loved his short stories, especially the one with the devil.  I was a slightly creepy child.  I’m 48 and mom is 71.  If you need any more details I’ll try and think of anything I can.  Thank you!

316I: Animal babysitter who pays doctor in greens

I am pretty sure it was a sloth or similar looking animal.  The children (also animals) wouldn’t eat the dinner (greens) but then ate a bunch of something else, so got sick and she had to call the doctor- who treated them but then needed to be paid – so she gave him the dinner they didn’t eat – and he commented on the dirty paws that had been in it- but took it.

316E: The 3 little ones ate all the fruit

I am looking for a children’s picture book. I probably had this book in the mid to late 1960s.  In the story there are 3ish siblings (I think animals, but possibly children) that play outside while their mother is visiting a friend. The mother’s friend has a picket fence that encloses her yard. On the fence is a grape vine or berry bush. The 3 little ones eat all of the fruit. They feel badly about their behavior and replace the fruit the next day by tying fruit that they bought to the fence.

315W: A lion of a tale

It's a children's book, kind of big, maybe 8"x10", old, probably from the 60's or earlier. Hardcover. There is a lion on the front, I think the cover was pinkish. Multiple stories, one involving a lion that gave his hair to birds and lost it all, so they brought him leaves. I think another was about monkeys. I've been searching for years. Halp! 😀

315T: Psychedelic lollipop trees

I was born in 1975. There was a short children’s book that I have forgotten the name of. I seem to remember that it was more landscape format than portrait. The over-riding memory of the book was psychedelic landscapes and one in particular was made up of trees made of lollipops. Possibly other landscapes and scenes made up of different objects.  That’s all I remember.

315L: One Step at a Time

I hope you all can help.  I am looking for the title to a children’s picture book that I read in the late 1950’s to mid 1960’s about a woman who lived in a decrepit house (maybe with a cat) surrounded by peeling paint, cracked plaster, torn, sagging curtains and general disrepair.  The cover (as I remember it) was this woman sitting at her wobbly legged table with a cracked wall and possibly a filthy window behind her (the cat may have been on the cover, too).  Her expression is one of sadness, possibly even resignation.  One day she decides to either repair the table leg or maybe paint the table and it looks great, but makes all else appear even worse, so motivated by her success with the table she tackles the other issues one by one filling cracks, painting, cleaning until she has transformed not only her once humble abode, but her entire outlook on life.  Being excessively tidy and organized myself I adored that book but have no ideas regarding the title or the author and probably only read it once or twice though it has stuck with me all these years, a constant reminder to just keep putting one foot in front of the other no matter the circumstances and all will turn out in the end.

315J: A Child Dreams of Pink

I am a 74 year old woman who remembers some details about a children’s picture book my mother read to me.  Actually, this was one of the many books we read that helped me learn how to read before entering kindergarten.

Unfortunately, soon after I was married, my parents’ basement flooded and all my books were lost.  I think about this one often. If one has knowledge of a picture book where the child dreams of everything being pink( clouds, dresses, food) I would greatly appreciate their info.