Category Archives: Picture Book

315H: Hedgehog Book

I am looking for a children’s counting book which was a story about a mother hedgehog and her 10 children.  She counts as she puts them to bed.  On the last page it say something like “ten happy hedgehogs, one happy family.”  I read this to my kids approximately 1978.  I have looked everywhere and can’t find it.

315F: A Good Dog with a Good Bone

A Children’s book from the mid-50s to 60s about a small dog who is adopted by a circus. Every night he gets a bone from the cook, who says, “To a good dog, a good bone!” He buries it but can’t find it in the morning, getting more and more upset until one night he stays up and realizes the circus moves during the night. He perks up, realizing that since the circus does a circuit, he’ll have a bone to dig up in every town!  I believe the illustrations are charcoal, black and white.

314W: My My Little Porcupine

It was about a little porcupine and his basket of sticks. Everyone loved his basket contents and wanted trading things for them. To the best of my recollection – Key words as each of the other animals approached “my my little porcupine what a wonderful basket of —-”


314G: Duck Looking for Water (Solved)

The book I am trying to find is about a little duck that is looking for water but there is no rain so he finds a truck that is spilling water out of the back to follow. My father-in-law had this book as a child in the 1950’s and passed it to my husband but it is now lost. They don’t remember a title or even possible words, they do recall it having wonderful pictures and illustrations. Any help is appreciated!

314F: Sea Princess and Scuba Diver

I’m looking for help finding an old childhood book – I have a feeling the titled included the words “black monster” or “princess of the sea”), but I know the last I read it was in 1997. It was about a (red?) haired princess who lived by the sea (the cover featured her in a patterned dress standing by the water, with a castle on a cliff behind her). The kingdom is being threatened by a black monster/a sea creature. However after much determination and sleuthing, the princess discovers that it’s only a scuba diver come to visit. At the end, they become friends and she ditches the kingdom to go diving with him. The artwork was very beautiful and almost realistic, but heavily stylized and had so many nice patterns. I’m still depressed my mother donated the book years ago, and it’s been killing me that I still can’t find it! So any help would be appreciated!!

313W: An Old Easter Story

This book has an Easter theme or at least involved rabbits who produced these really ornate Easter eggs; some, or at least one of them, had another world inside it. I recall something about a Grand bunny or master rabbit or similar; but, there also seemed to be some kind of theme where a child escapes their current world into one of the eggs (like a pied piper kind of story).