Category Archives: Picture Book

306E: The rabbit that gave all of their clothes away in the cold

My children want to find this book that I read to them. The cover was deep blue with the rabbit on the cover, in a snowy nighttime setting. Over the course of the book, the rabbit (as I recall, you are never sure if it’s a he or she) gives away maybe food, definitely shoes, coat, scarf, etc to others in need. Sadly the rabbit freezes to death, but then maybe you see the rabbit in the starry sky? Not an old book, probably written in 80s or 90s. Very simple drawings, cartoon like, not realistic. Anyone remember?  Title might have indicated it was a book about giving. Thanks

305Z: Beavers Walk into the Woods

Children's picture book for the 4-6 year old range. Two or three beavers go hiking in the woods and get lost. It gets dark and possibly stormy they find a house and settle in then more animals start showing up looking for shelter. There is a cute catchphrase every time a new animal comes in like "who's there". Then at the end the owner of the house is a bear and all the animals are scared but of course he is friendly and makes them dinner possibly soup! Favorite children's book when I was young and I cannot find it anywhere and have had zero luck on Google! I would love to read this to my kids before they outgrow it!

305V: Before the Mardi Gras Parade

Young boy in New Orleans sneaks in to see a float where it’s stored before Mardi Gras parade. This was a book I read in the mid-1950s. Could have sworn it was a Little Golden Book, but can’t find it in lists. Atmospheric drawings with French Quarter architecture. Can’t remember if there were consequences for child sneaking in to see the float being built or stored; he may have fallen asleep on the float and woken up when it began to move for the parade (but unsure about that plot point). I remember pictures of harlequin costumes and masks. Toward the end, he ate a snow cone or snow ball with crushed ice and syrup (during the parade?).

305T: The Dragon Under the Lilac Bush

I am looking for a book that I believe was called The Dragon Under the Lilac Bush. It was filled with pull-tabs and pop-ups. This book was a favorite of a dear friend when she was a young child, and she’s in her mid-50’s now. So the book probably came out in the late 50’s or early 60’s. It may have been a San Francisco Bay area regional publication, as I have not been able to find any reference to the book anywhere.


304U: The Pig Tree (Solved)

Illustrated young children's book about a chef who buys a little bush, thinking he'll grow figs, but it turns out it's a Pig tree. After many shenanigans and difficulties, he replaces his bush with what he thinks is a proper fig tree bush. . . however it looks at the end like it's gonna be a frog tree! I was a child in the 1970s and guess the book dates from early 70s, but could be mid 70s, or possibly late 60s. The book was probably written for age range 4-7. My searches on Google/Amazon/eBay for "The Pig Tree" or "The Fig Tree" - the titles my memory has provided - haven't found the right book.