Category Archives: Picture Book

290T: The colours mix and all is well (Solved)

A book bought in late 70s Australia (possibly UK published) picture book about a kingdom in black & white & wizard. Under the direction from the king who decides to make it colourful,  first turns blue and everyone is miserable, then red and everyone is angry, then yellow everyone becomes ill. Eventually the magic goes crazy and the colours mix to give full pallet and all ends well.


290R: A painter on a houseboat

I was born in 1965 and remember this book from when I was around 5-7.

It was about a painter that lived on a houseboat and painted abstract paintings. For some reason he broke the painting up into a bunch of small paintings and a buyer flew to his houseboat by seaplane to buy them I think the houseboat was near San Francisco. It was a large book, hardback, and illustrated.

290I: Kids have roof garden for pets

This is a picture book from the early 80s. My mom thinks it came from a mail order book club. Kids in an apartment building have amphibian pets: turtles, alligator. . . the alligator gets stuck in a tree. Balloons get him out (or got him in?). At the end the kids get a rooftop garden for their pets. Over the course of the story you see an ornate fountain being built in town.

290E: In a churchyard with a yew tree

I’m looking for a small bright blue hardcover book, at the end there is an illustration of a boy in a churchyard with a yew tree. Printed before 1980. Not sure if it’s an ABC book for children but the yew tree illustration is definitely at the end of the book. It’s a book for young children; there are only a few lines of text on each page. The boy is standing in the yard with the yew and there is also an old man in the illustration. The boy may have been lost or looking for something. Maybe the book is British because of the mention of the yew tree?

289N: A kitchen full of copper pots boiling strawberry jam


Seven years ago my (then) four year old daughter fell in love with a book from the library about colors.  She is now 11 and a budding artist. I would love to find this book for her. The details I remember are sparse but do make this book a standout:

gorgeous illustrations – no cartoon characters or paint blobs. One particular illustration stands out; on the pages that discuss red, they compare that color to a bright warm kitchen full of copper pots boiling strawberry jam.

text – the words were beautiful and evocative, not your run of the mill, “The tree is green.” With each color they created a detailed scene (both verbally and pictorially) to help the reader feel the color.

As I recall, they did all the colors of the rainbow, so words like “rainbow,” “prism” or “color” are likely candidates for the title.

289G: Strawberry Princess

I’m looking to find my favorite story I read as a child in the early 80s.  It was about a young princess who loved strawberry jelly.  Every page was about her love for this jelly.  I’m almost certain it was strawberry.  There was one page in which she was in an old fashioned tub washing away the sticky jelly.  The princess had light brown hair. That’s all I can recall.

289A: Girls and Boys and Boys and Girls

I am hoping you can help me with the name/author of a book that I loved as a kid in the 1970s – I think it was called “Girls and Boys and Boys and Girls” or something like that.  It was a color, picture book probably aimed at 5-7 year olds.

The format was basically “Lee A. (who was a boy) likes to color and Lee B. (who was a girl) likes basketball” and so on – I think all of the kids in the book had names that were gender neutral – Lee, Chris, Jo, etc.

288D: Woman in black kidnaps kids

It is a “scary” children’s picture book about a woman dressed in all black and she kidnaps children. She has a black hat with a black veil, yet has yellow eyes that can still be seen. She carries an umbrella and a bag of bricks. She has pilgrim buckle type shoes. She can run really fast and creates a black streak as she passes. As she kidnaps more kids, the parents of the remaining children send them to school with protection. The zookeeper’s son arrives with a boa constrictor around his neck, the beekeeper’s son wears a beehive, the military kid rides up in a tank, etc. The lady in black even takes a teacher. They eventually catch her and she leads the police to a cave where the children and teacher are kept, unharmed. The lady then slips out of the handcuffs and escapes. The book was written in English and had colored illustrations. I read it in Minnesota, USA in the mid-to-late 90s. I remember a specific illustration in which the lady is hiding behind a pole at a bus stop, just before she takes a kid.