British psychological thriller, probably 2019. Small child disappears from yard while young mother carelessly supervises her playtime. Meanwhile, a married woman is in a relationship which begins to reveal itself as rather strange and secretive. Her evasive husband becomes a suspect when coworker points finger in his direction, but his alibi is that his delivery route is far from the kidnapping site. Clues and suspicions build until his wife can no longer avoid suspecting his cagey behavior and question his guilt.
Category Archives: Solved
348T: Children’s book about alchemy, 1970s or 1980s (Solved!)
I had a book when I was a kid that I really liked a lot. I was born in 1976 so it would have been published before the mid-80s, probably. It was about an alchemist, possibly old and doddering, who was trying to turn lead into gold. If I remember correctly it had sort of sepia-toned line drawings, and there were quite detailed illustrations and instructions on how various alchemical apparatus worked. I remember illustrations of him working with tubes and liquids and flames and such. He also needed a unicorn horn so he had to get a young maiden to help him catch one. Can’t remember the title at all.
348Q: A little girl and a racoon (?) (Solved!)
348O: Book with a page that is a dream about nose turning into a pickle w/ illustration (Solved!)
Book was hard cover, dark blue, about the same size and length as Graeme Base’s “Animalia”.
347U: Girl Sent to Live with Her Father Who Is a Pilot (Solved!)
347R: Kids hunt for a treasure at a lake only to find it’s confederate money (Solved!)
I read the book in grade school in the early 80's.
I remember it’s a mystery book where kids visiting a lake look for a treasure. In the end, the treasure turns out to be worthless confederate money. One scene I remember vividly: The boy is tricked by the girl to swim to the bottom of the lake with his snorkel and look up. She claims it’s a beautiful view. When he does so, the protective valve on the snorkel opens and water floods into his mouth.
I also seem to recall a dragon on the lake at night, but it’s made of paper and burns up from the candles used to illuminate it. It is possible, however, that this memory might be from another book…