Category Archives: Unsolved

376F: A Brother and Sister and their Cat

Three short stories about two children and their cat. They are a brother and sister. In one story, the cat eats all their aunt’s goldfish, one at a time on successive visits to her house, and they manage to gradually replace them one at a time so that she never realizes. In another story, burglars break into the children’s house when they’re home alone and the cat scares them away. My grandmother bought this book for me in the mid-80s. I believe the format is somewhat taller and narrower than a standard book. It has illustrations throughout, they are sketchy black and white, possibly with touches of red, blue and yellow. Not sure whether it would be classified as a picture book or an early reader.

376E: A talking horse and an aloe plant

Looking for a slim paperback from the 80s. It might have been from either Starbooks or Scholastic Book Club. Written at the early reader level, a little less than a full chapter book. Set in the American West. A boy goes to a livestock auction and encounters a horse who can talk. He’s a recently captured mustang who wants to rejoin his herd. He persuades the boy to buy him and they become friends but the horse always wants to return to the wild. Somehow the boy smashes his mom’s potted aloe plant, which she needs to treat a burned hand. The horse offers a deal where he will show the boy where to find one growing in the wild in exchange for his freedom. They make a secret journey into the wilderness at night to find the plant. I think the title is something obvious like “The Horse Who Could Talk” but I can’t find anything online.

376D: Farm Book

The book is about a family living on a ranch/farm in the American West, sometime between 1970 and 2000. I remember three key details about the book: 

A. The families father was killed by a bull during a rodeo. He was gored to death.

B. At one point in the book, a member of the family is in the hospital with a boy who lost his leg to a lawnmower accident. His siblings visit in the hospital and say they are not allowed anywhere near the lawnmower. The boy is in the hospital to get a larger prosthetic leg attached. 

C. The children live on a ranch/farm and often play in a pasture near the house. They go there to hide at one point, but I do not remember why. 

376B: Book about a Southern family

The book I am searching for may be from late nineteen forties through early sixties. The mother of two (a high-school boy and a married daughter) is the main character. The daughter, named Tilghman, has her first baby near the end of the story. Then the main character, now a grandmother, finds out she is expecting!

376A: The Merry Muses

Robert Burns “The Merry Muses” (Not “of Caledonia”) “Printed for a Private Collection” “London 1885”

I realize that the content is probably available online; it is the book itself I can not figure out.

I do not know the value of this paperback book without a publisher name, only a logo. (SEE BELOW)

My father, a WWII veteran, had it.

Please let me know. Thank you.

375Y: Magic that costs its user

I’m looking for a book I had read back between the years of 2007-2011. I believe it was part of a series but I only had found the one book at a used book store. The premise was the main character was a woman who was a private investigator or detective type who worked by herself. There was magic she was able to use but she mentioned many times throughout the book that using magic came at a cost to the user and would take memories or something like that every time it’s used. I believe her father was also rich and or powerful but they had no to little contact.
If it helps at all I vaguely remember the first chapter or so had her getting a call from an older lady who was calling in to ask the detective to help a family member being hurt or missing.
I believe it was an orange cover with a girl doing the turn around pose. I hope you can help me find this!

375X: Nostalgic Summer Nights

All I remember is it was a nostalgic novel about a guy remembering his stay at an aunts house one summer. It was in the early part of the 1900’s maybe.I believe he had an uncle also. He described the 4th of July and summer nights there among other things.

375V: Girl Lives On Underground Railroad Station

Seeking a 1960s children’s book (possibly Scholastic Book Services) about a girl (an orphan?) who goes to live with relatives whose house is a station on the Underground Railroad. One of the former slaves they help is named Phoebe. The Emancipation Proclamation is signed at the end of the story, and Phoebe and her mother are able to appear in public with the girl.