Category Archives: Unsolved

377O: White Cat Changes Colors

Probably from the 1940’s or 1950’s

It is about a white cat, probably a Persian, who is entered in a show.  The cat gets out of the house and becomes painted with red and blue paint.  The daughter of the owners says let’s take her to the show anyway and the cat wins first prize.

377N: Pink Cover with Shibari Rope

I am looking for a book I saw in a bookstore earlier. I took a photo of the cover but it came out blurry. It was a pink cover with a spool of rope/shibari rope on it. The synapses is a bit blurry to my memory, but it was something about someone whose partner dumped them after they moved (to the Netherlands? Denmark? Something else?) and there was something about them meting a new sub. I didn’t finish reading the cover, I was in a time crunch.

377M: “Be Thankful for Pain”

I read a book in elementary school (1978? 1979?) that has stuck with me. Can’t remember the storyline or any characters except for, after a battle, a dying dwarf saying something like, “Be thankful for pain. It’s how you know you are still alive”. Bleak, but comforting. Any ideas at all what fantasy book this was? TIA!

377L: The White Blob From The Moon

Hi there! I’m seeking Stump the Bookseller’s help in finding a lost book from my childhood. It was about a white, blobby creature that came down to the earth from the moon and had adventures. This book was available in the Huntingdon Valley Public library in the Philadelphia area in the 90s (I’ve looked there and asked the librarians without success) but I’m sure it was not self-published. It was a picture book or perhaps an early-reader chapter book (I believe it was portrait orientation) and I think it was part of a series. It was illustrated–if not fully illustrated–on the interior. It was not new in the 90s–it had a slightly vintage feel–perhaps 60s, 70s, or 80s. The art style was graphic and cartoony–more akin to the Space Case books by Edward Marshall than something illustrative like Moornhorse by Mary Pope Osborne (and no, it’s not either of these–It’s also not Moon Man by Tomi Ungerer, the Matthew Looney series, or Dmitri the Astronaut by Jon Agee.) There were themes of loneliness–perhaps the moon creature came down to earth to make friends? It’s possible he was not from the moon but rather a different planet. I believe the background color of the cover was black. It’s possible that this unsolved query is describing the same book: [EDIT: I now believe this is a book in the Moonbird series called The Unicorn and Witch. I don’t think it’s the book I’m looking for, though.] My mom remembers the moon creature as having had a pear-shaped body, maybe a bit of neck, and then an oval or round head, whereas I more clearly remember a white horse or perhaps unicorn. There could have been a little boy protagonist too, but I don’t remember clearly.

377K: Picture Book: A Man’s Heart is Hidden in a Fish

Story Description – It was a classic fairy tale situation. There is a young woman, the heroine, and the man she loved (one or both of them might have been a prince or princess, but I don’t remember). An evil wizard/sorcerer hides the heart of the man in a fish. To save her lover, the heroine must pick out the fish that has his heart from a river full of fish. She does so successfully and the fish is cut open to reveal the heart.
Physical Book Description – It was a children’s picture book with loose whimsical illustrations featuring elongated characters. Blues and reds were heavily incorporated colors. I remember it being in a vertical format, taller than it was wide. There was a full-spread illustration of dozens of fish along the bottom of the spread and the heroine above. One of the fish has the man’s heart in it.
Background – I remember checking this book out of my elementary school library in first or second grade in the early 2000s so it was probably published in the 90s, maybe even 80s. I’ve tried searching for the book on and off for the last 5 years or so with no luck.

377I: A Book From the 90’s

I am looking for a book that I read in the 90’s.. with or 11th grade English.  It’s about an adolescent male who looses the friend. The friend may have died as a result of falling out of a tree OR…. The main character goes to the tree while processing his grief.  OR. There is a picture of a boy on the cover… sitting at the base of the tree. There is also a sort of soliloquy… where he talk about the death. 
I’ve been wondering about this book for years and the name isn’t even remotely close to the tip of my tongue.  

377H: Eating Human Flesh

I am trying to track down a story I read years ago.  It might be by Ralph Ellison but I am not sure.  The narrator works at a hush-hush government facility where Black people are being rounded up and detained.  He reads one of their letters home.  Eventually he learns that they are being used for food a la “Soylent Green.”  One character accuses him of being a  “n—-r eating SOB.”  The story ends with the narrator repeating  “My wife is having a baby.  I have eaten human flesh….”   Thank you.