I recall reading a book as an early teen in the 90's about a group of children with harsh parents and the title was something along the lines of ". . . . . . . ,houses of glass".
Category Archives: Teen
324R: Teen Son and Father in 20th Century help Patient who speaks Ancient Greek return to hidden Greek location
For some time I have been trying to remember the name and author of a book I read when I was around 13 years old, in the 1960’s. I believe the book would have been written in the 1950’s or early 1960’s, although maybe it was earlier from the 1940’s. I borrowed it from the public library in town.
It was by a male author who also wrote adult mysteries. My father recognized the author’s name and so also read this book and we talked and joked about it a little bit that year.
The plot is generally, that there is a boy, (young teen?) whose father is either a doctor or professor or archeologist ,who must speak Greek, because he is called in to talk to a patient who speaks ancient Greek. The patient says that he is from Greece (somewhere in ancient Greece, only to him it is the current and only one). Apparently he died and was sent out across the River Styx and ended up in a hospital or a mental institution in England, I believe.
So he wasn’t really dead when he was sent on his journey to the afterlife. As the father and the patient talk, the father and the son decide to go with the patient to retrace his journey and find the ancient Greek outpost that has somehow survived into the the 20th century. They find it and although I still can visualize this place, surrounded by mountains and cut off from the modern world, I cannot remember the ending of the book either.
I remember odd lines and scenes from the book. For example, the son has decided to read the Bible front to back and reflects upon some of the odd customs and the many battles in the Old Testament. Also, one of the things the patient says is that he prefers to clean himself by stepping into a basin of water and not the contraption where you pull on a chain and you are rained upon.
I have looked at many of the mystery authors of the time and have tried to see if they wrote such a book to no avail. I also looked in the Public Library where I grew up but it was too overwhelming and there is a good chance that book is not only out of print but was put into one of their many book sales years ago.
I cannot remember the title. Did it have “Zeus” in it somewhere? Did it refer to the river Styx? Did it have some cute title like the Greek Urn Cracked? The title must have captured my attention.
I appreciate your help with this as periodically I become obsessed with finding it.
324O: Girl(?) Plays In Dump Where Strange Man Lives, Finds Him Dead In Fridge/Freezer
I’m looking for a book I read in middle school (most likely) or high school: A young girl(?) either moves in with a new family, or a new house. She plays in the woods and the local dump. Her parents warns her to not play in the abandoned fridges/freezers because children get trapped in them. At some point there is either talk of, or discovery of a man living in the woods – he is slow minded. He is seen positively by the girl. Later this man is found by her inside a fridge/freezer in the dump. This is the first time she has been confronted by death.
324M: Girl’s Best Friend Moves To New York City (Solved!)
This was a thin paperback, and I think the cover was yellow/gold with a b & w photo of two teenage girls taken in a photo booth. I read it in the late 70s/early 80s. It was about a girl whose best friend moves to NYC. After being separated for awhile she is excited to visit her friend there, but when she arrives her friend is now a stuck up “city girl.” I remember her friend mocking her for calling 6th Avenue by its other name, Avenue of the Americas, stating only tourists call it that. There is also a subplot abut the girl’s dog, a sweet old yellow lab (?) named Nora/Lorna. Near the end of the story, Nora/Lorna dies under a lilac bush and the devastated girl wraps her in a special towel that was used for the dog’s baths.
323R: Teen Girl Loves Horse But Cannot Ride After Accident
Ya fiction series with a horse, rich girl has an accident and can't ride. Her rich grandmother buys her a brand new Datsun (car), so she's at least 16 or 17, set in the 70s or 80s, published during that period. I think she was nasty to a few girls and tries to make up for it after the accident. I think she may have been in a coma. Her boyfriend might have cheated as well. I think it had a yellow cover with the old style oval centre that contained the image. I think she had a rich sounding name, Courtney or something but I'm not 100% on that. The horse accident was bad and she desperately loved her horse but was too afraid to ride it. I read this series in the late 80s, early 90s, but my sister threw them out before I could finish them. I never forgave my sister, who dares throw out a book? The books were paperback, they had maybe 100 to 150 pages, so not very thick. From the content, I think they were targeted towards ages 16 and up. I think the girl went to college as well. Her grandmother was some type of business woman.
323N: Magical Teen Elizabeth
When I was a teenager in the 80’s I read a book called “Elizabeth”. The book was about a teenage girl who either had magical powers or magic was somehow insinuated. The cover was black and I believe it had a broken mirror on the cover. In the story she had a red mark on her upper thigh that she received from a spider bite maybe but it was identical to another character in the book, like an aunt or something. She would remark in the book how older men were attracted to her and she enjoyed it. I have looked everywhere online for the book and even called my local library. I guarantee the book is not about Queen Elizabeth or Elizabeth Taylor because that is all that I find out there. Please help!!
322L: Historical fiction for teens, set in 1800s or early 1900s
I purchased this book in the late 1970s or early 1980s. It was about a girl who started out very poor, but whose father somehow struck it rich (gold?). I don’t seem to remember a mother. The MC made friends with a girl who was from a proper family. Maybe they met at boarding school. The MC fell in love with the friend’s brother but it was always intimated that she might be too “new money” to be suitable for him. The MC also befriended a colorful actress named, Florie or Flossie. Her advice was to be flashy and I seem to remember the phrase “plenty of ooh la la”. But gradually the MC realized that the actress might be a bit gauche. One main struggle was the MC trying to seem well-bred and not like new, flashy money. I remember scenes of the MC being fitted for and purchasing new, elegant clothes.
320C: Teen Girl Befriends Contessa On The French Riviera
I remember an excerpt of a novel for teens, reprinted in some English literature compilation under what I think was the title “The Contessa and Me” but that was not the title of the book it came from. A teen is at a hotel that her possibly British or American parents run on the French Riviera. She befriends a Contessa there. There is a scene where she cleans up after a party where I believe the Contessa had too much champagne to drink. It’s kind of a coming of age story. The excerpt was one part of the book which I think was divided into three parts total or possibly was a series of short stories on the same characters. At one time I read the other two parts somehow but don’t recall the overall name or author.
318R: Coming of Age World War Romance
Hello, I am looking for a book I read when I was in high school. So this would’ve been around the year 2000 to 2004. It was a coming-of-age tale of a young girl in either World War One or probably World War II. There was romance in it. I remember a very particular scene in which she was at a dance with the G.I. and she was collecting orange peels to make marmalade and they flew out of her dress. I also remember that she ended up with a character at the end who had a beard. Maybe his name was Alex? There may have been a lighthouse involved? Thanks for your help This has been driving me crazy! Not sure if it takes place in the US or in the UK.
316T: Teen Girl in Logging Camp
Looking for a book about a teen girl living with family in a logging camp.