Category Archives: YA (grades 7-9)

328N: Four Elements Represented By Four Girls

I’m looking for a book published between 1980 and 1995. It’s about 4 girls representing the 4 elements (air, water, fire, earth). It’s told mainly from the point of view of the fire element, I believe. She might be called the fire brand but I’m not sure. The girls have to connect and retie the knot of elements that is holding the earth. There is a very vivid description of the knot, and the four colors of the cords making it. This book might be part of a series and it might be considered young adult.

327L: Sort of like the Boxcar Children but in ancient Rome (or was it Greece?) (Solved!)

I read it in the 1970s, probably published then or perhaps in the late '60s. A young boy (maybe 10 or 11) and his older sister (young teenager?) from a noble family become embroiled in a mystery and they run around town (possibly Athens, but I think it was ancient Rome) hunting for clues.  They wear togas. 🙂

327C: Max Moonpenny

My mom is searching for a book she read as a pre-teen about a girl named Max Moonpenny. I have searched and searched (and I even work in a library) but I can’t find anything about this book! She’s not sure if the title is Max Moonpenny or if it is something else. My mom grew up in the 1960s & ‘70s in Wisconsin, and a friend of hers also remembers the book and her niece was even named Max Moonpenny after the character from the novel. Unfortunately, the niece is prolific on the internet and clogging up my search results.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!

326Z: Magical Land Emits Personalized Alluring Scents

I read this book in middle school between 1998-2000 and checked the book out from my school library. It was probably published in the late 80’s or 90’s. It was from the fantasy genre and included a magical land that the young female main character found by following a trail that brought her to a waterfall with a hidden entrance. Once she was in the magical land, there was some kind of dangerous landmark that lured people by emitting a pleasant scent that specifically appealed to each individual. For the main character I think it was a warm scent like cinnamon/honey/nuts/vanilla. I think this book may have also featured a relationship between the main character and her grandmother. Please help!

326D: Air Force Pilot Takes On Dragon In Storm Cloud

Short fantasy/sci-fi story in an anthology aimed at young readers in the late 70s/early 80s - I seem to remember reading it in late elementary school, though it could have been middle school. Story was about an Air Force pilot who lost a friend to a dragon in a storm cloud, but no one believed him, so he stole a plane and went back up to kill the dragon. He was catatonic and white-haired when the plane landed, and everyone thought he was just crazy, until they watched his gun-camera footage of his attack runs on the dragon.

326C: Spaceship 10/100 Hours

Ok, this book is one i picked up at an airport in Hawaii 2011. Its a SciFi romance that I think is intended for YA as the main characters were between 15-22. They were living on a spaceship with the Heroine sneaking through the vents. I’m pretty sure they rotated on a 10 hour schedule with the week starting over at 100 hrs.
Please help me, this book was so good it haunts me!

325R: Goose Blown Off Course, Nursed Back To Health

Unfortunately, I do not have a book title, which has been my challenge finding the book.  I can describe the book and the story, though.  I read it when I was about 10 years old in the early ’80s. I tended to read books significantly above my grade level, so that makes it harder to guess whether it was intended for adults or children.  I don’t think “young adult” was a real publishing genre back then?  It was an old, cloth-bound, hardcover book that I found on my great-grandmother’s bookcase.  It was very dusty.  I’d guess it was probably from the ’50s based on the aging of the paper and binding.
It was a story about a goose that got blown off course during a big storm.  A young woman found the goose.  I believe it was injured and she nursed it back to health (seems like it may have been caught in an oil slick).  There was a biologist in the story who was fascinated that the goose could have been so far from its normal nesting grounds.  Geese mate for life, and I think it paired with a goose (presumably the wrong species?) where it had ended up after the storm.  Part of the suspense of the story was, when it flew away for migration, whether it would return to where it had spent its first season or if it would follow its peers to its normal breeding grounds.  I think at least parts of the story were written from the perspective of the goose.  The goose starts migrating towards the breeding grounds with its peers but they are all going the wrong way.  It ultimately breaks off from them and returns to its “mate” in the wrong place.  Maybe there was a parallel human romance, but that I’m not sure.
It was not “The Snow Goose’ by Paul Gallico.  I bought that recently to check, and it wasn’t the right story.  This book was longer than that.  It was probably a little longer than a Nancy Drew or Hardy Boys book.

325P: Cereus Cactus Blooms During Anschluss

I’m looking for a middle school book, what would be YA these days, but they didn’t have YA in the 60’s, when I most likely read this book.  The protagonist is a girl, part of whose attention is focused on a night-blooming cereus cactus party that her family will hold on the night that the plant blooms.  Surrounding this domestic detail are the events leading up to the Anschluss and the threat that the Anschluss presents.