About a mutt dog, a many-paged book and the longest I’d read at age 11 in 1957, who goes through many awful experiences through his lifetime and dies at the end. I think the dog was part pit bull and maybe bulldog, definitely a short, squatty and solid guy. I had checked it out as many times as possible, then finished it all through the night so I could drop it off at the library the next day. Intending to reread it, I found that it had been withdrawn for repairs and never returned to the shelves.
Category Archives: YA (grades 7-9)
296B: A secret note or message or clue
I have no idea what the title is but the book would appeal to a 8-10 year old girl. It was in my grade school library. I remember that the girl was orphaned or sent to live with a relative, possibly a grandmother or aunt. I’m leaning toward aunt. The place is mysterious and there is a mystery of sorts. The key part I remember is the young girl protagonist finds a secret note or message or clue on paper under a loose brick, I believe around the pool or on the patio, but I’m 99% sure it was around the pool. This would have been around 1978-80, although the book may have been slightly older.
295Y: Young Reader Adventure with Plane Crashes, Loch Ness, and Balloon Races (Solved)
This book was read in middle school. It featured four stories with the same gang of young boys. One story was of them faking a Loch Ness Monster using radio-controlled boat in their lake. Another was their search for a crashed airplane using radio direction finding. A third was their competing in a hot-air balloon race. The fourth I do not remember. This was probably published in the 80’s or late 70’s.
295V: Trapped in a snow globe as pets (Solved!)
It was a paperback about two girls on a trip with their family and they stop at some mine or cave. The younger sister runs off into the gift shop and the older follows. The evil gift shop owner ends up trapping both in a giant snow globe as pets for a giant family in the cave system. They really just wanted the little sister so the elder is a freebie. They end up escaping when the older girl melts the snow globe on the fireplace or something and they run out through the tunnels. Might have been apple paperbacks or similar.
295U: Ring-Around-A-Rosie (Solved)
I am looking for a book I read in the mid-1960’s, probably young adult. Tells the story of a girl who moves to Cape Cod? (some seashore region) to train with a famous tole (painting on tin ware, etc.) painter. At first she just copies his designs, but he insists she should find her own muse. One day she sees a group of kids playing ring-around-a-rosie and does a design based on that.
295S: The Holy Island of Lindisfarne
I’m looking for a children’s or YA novel about St. Cuthbert, the Holy Island of Lindisfarne, some children, and possibly a selkie (mythological creature). The story, as I remember, was somewhat mystical and had to do with St. Cuthbert. I would have read it in the late1960s— it’s not The Wind Eye by Robert Westell (1977), which was published too late to have been the book I read. I remember the cover being illustrated in shades of gray and white. It may have shown some birds flying around the island, which has a distinctively shaped profile.
295G: 90s young adult book with a man who has had his tongue cut out
A couple of kids on a mountain and are either rescued or menaced (possibly both) by a man who has had his tongue cut out. He may have been Native American or it may have been implied that this was done by Native Americans. He might also have had a dog. Probably 1995-2000. May have won awards as this was read aloud in a children’s library where award-winning books were often chosen.
295C: French territory in the new United States
A French boy chosen by father to travel from British territory to French territory in the new United States to buy a home. He saves Spanish boy from Indians with gold but managed to recover the gold. He goes from a boy to a man. Young Adult, boy read, early eighties in high school.
294T: The Six
This book I read in 1984 and was a collection of six stories of a British youth gang; each story focused on a different member of the gang. One character may have been called Darkie Bates. One of the six stories took place in a disco where the gang member was ‘saved’ by the friend of a girl he had earlier been insulting with terms like “frog-eyes”, when she hit his assailant with a bottle. He ended up going out with her. The author may have been Tony someone but just as likely not. Great book for young adult fiction.
294S: She went back in time and fell in love
I was looking for a book I read in my teens (read sometime between 1990-1995) about a girl who was half American Indian. She spent time in the woods behind her grandmother’s house and went back in time and fell in love with a Native American boy at a time where they were being sent down the Trail of Tears. That is all I can remember about it.