I don’t know the title of this book, I had it as a child. It was a picture book that depicted a city (I believe American) as it changed through the decades. It started as a farm town and then buildings continued to be added. It had a similar feel as Annos counting book. I hope you can help me with the name, I’ve been searching for it for years.
354T: Naturalistic Horror Stories for Children (Solved!)
This book was published in the 1980's or earlier. It is a kid's horror anthology about nature. Stories include a detective that thought a philodendron killed a scientist, and last story about bratty kid and Beelzebub, kid dies by falling into water and being tangled in net.
354S: Airedale Terrier must reassemble his farm (Solved!)
An Airedale Terrier's farm is sold to city folk. The dog spends his days finding the animals that once lived on the farm and returning them to it. He must convince the city family that they like and need the animals. The father of the new family finally allows all of the animals to stay. Probably published about 1970.
354R: Icelandic children ride ponies, watch a volcano erupt (Solved!)
Looking for a small book about two Icelandic children who ride their ponies to visit a relative. They witness a volcano erupting, and the resulting earthquake causes them to detour. One of the ponies has a foal. The illustrations are in colored pencil, and it was likely published between 1965 and 1972.
354Q: Breakfast cereal company fills box with only premiums (prizes)
Seeking a book of advertising-related fables from late 1960s or early 1970s(?) including the first story in which the cereal companies in competition keep upping the ante until they finally sell boxes of cereal containing no cereal, only prizes.
354P: A Girl Discovering Interesting Things in the Woods
354O: Blue Jay Book With Sound Effect
354N: Peaches and Her Pet Squirrel
I am inquiring about a book I read years ago, borrowed from a friend, about a young lady who lived in Appalachia, maybe with her grandfather. She eventually went to town, met a man who ended up taking her to his home in a foreign country. She had a pet squirrel who showed up at inopportune times. I think her name was Peaches, and it might be in the title of the book. This was the funniest book I have ever read and would love to own it and read again. I so hope you can help me.
354M: Sand Mermaid Turns Into Real Mermaid
Small size wordless book. Child is at the beach and builds a mermaid of sand and shells. A wave washes the sand mermaid away. Last picture is a real mermaid in the water, waving goodbye to the child.
354L: Kid’s picture book about a volcanic eruption in Hawaii
Girl’s family is involved with sugarcane farming/growing. I believe the book was written by a kid or the idea came from a kid, and it had won a contest to be published.