Tag Archives: fairy tales

266F: Collection of Fairy Tale Stories From Childhood

My mom bought me a hardback collection of fairy tale stories in December of 1996, 1997, or 1998. She remembers purchasing it from Barnes and Noble, and recall it was a special holiday edition. I do not know the title, though I think I vaguely remember the worlds “Once Upon a Time” on the cover. I remember that the cover was a royal blue, and I think there was a picture of a castle/kingdom centered on the front. I think the book was almost square in shape. The pages were gold, that was one of my favorite things. I remember a couple stories from it, the Princess and the Pea I remember distinctively, and I know there was one about a man stealing herbs from a witch’s garden because they would heal his wife’s illness, but they made a deal to give the witch their first born child, so maybe this is a Brother’s Grimm book? I know there are a lot of stories I think may be in there, but those are the two I remember very well, so I don’t want to accidentally give a story that is not there.

It was such a beautiful book, and all I want is to find it and have it for my children to enjoy as well.

262D: 80’s book. Collection of Fairy Tales, Fables and Nursery Rhymes (Solved)

I can not remember if the book itself is from the 80’s or if it was a bit older. ( I was given it in the 80’s)   I’m not 100% sure if it had “Mother Goose” in title. It had all the classic fairy tales with illustrations. I know for sure it had Gustave Dore’s illlustration for Cinderella  as well as Walter Crane’s for Beauty and the Beast. These illustrations were the ones I remember being in the book.

pic1 pic2 pic3


256E: Big book of fairy tales

The book I’m looking for is definitely older. It is a large, aged, dull lime green or olive green hardcover. I can’t remember what’s in the front, but there is a picture of what may be a friendly green-faced (again, duller green) troll with a white wig and a red shirt doing a cartwheel on the back cover of the book, along with a short description below it.

It is about a foot tall, 8″ wide, and 3-4″ thick. It has 600+ pages, I think… definitely more than 300.

This book looked old to me back in the 90s, so I’m guessing it is from 1990 or earlier.

Looks like it might contain a collection of Aesop, The Brothers Grimm, and Hans Christian Andersen tales as well as some other stories.

Some of the stories definitely include (from memory):

– The Nightingale (Aesop)
– The Water of Life (Grimm, German)
– Sinbad the Sailor’s 4th Journey
– Ali Baba and the 40 Thieves
– The Tinderbox (Aesop)
– The Emperor’s New Suit / Clothes (Aesop)
– Stone Soup
– The Pied Piper
– The Twelve Dancing Princesses (Grimm)
– The fisherman and his wife
– The Golden Goose (Grimm)
– The Princess and the Pea

There are illustrations in the book with the stories and it is done in a very old-fashioned art style… I would think to date it to before 1980, but I’m not an expert.

I know this is pretty hard considering the lack of detail. I’ve been looking for this book for a long time. =(