Tag Archives: Jesus

272A: The Story of Tolah

The book I’m looking for was lost in house fire and I regret that I had not memorized more about it.

Here’s my best recollection:

“The Story of Tolah” has a female author, and believe it was written in the 50’s.

It was definitely published in Delaware.

So, I don’t know with certainty that I have the title just right (but believe so).

The cover flap had a picture of the author, and she was somewhat elderly then.

Since my mom was a U of Delaware graduate during WWII, and both of my parents went to seminary in Newark, DE in the 40s (maybe 50s) I recall wondering if my parents might have met this woman at some time.

It is a wonderful fiction story, that is effectively a story about making perfume (I didn’t realize women had their own personal scent developed), and also a story of Christ’s anointing before his death.

Tolah was an obedient Jew and he married his lifelong sweetheart and she was a delightful mother of several children including young twin boys.

Tolah loved her passionately and was working on a fragrance for his beloved, and would sneak off to his private little haven where he had his fragrance laboratory (if you will) in a cave near a stream.

Then the story turns very dark, as Herod orders the horrific murder of all young Jewish boys.  Although the family valiantly contrived to save their boys they were found in their hiding place among the sheep wrapped in wool to appear as young lambs, but the mother lamb moved when Herod’s guards came into the pen.

The wife never recovered emotionally, and Tolah plummeted as he was unable to restore his wife’s sanity.

I’ll not continue with the details (Tolah’s dark journey) but say that, as God would have it, much good came from evil.

There is a curse upon anyone that would make a perfume recipe as prescribed and not use for intended sacred purpose, which happened to be the ingredients Tolah used.

The perfume recipe was for exclusive use by the priesthood.

Through the dark journey of poor choices, Tolah’s perfume ended up being payment to a woman that he owed, who in turn anointed Jesus.