162A: Lissa was found alone as a baby or toddler after the Great San Francisco earthquake (solved)

I used to read a book when I was a teenager in the 1970s called either Lissa (or perhaps Lisa). I am not sure if that was the actual title, but she was the main character in the book.  Lissa was found alone as a baby or toddler after the Great San Francisco earthquake, her parents were never found.  She is now in her late teens and living alone in San Francisco and working at a large department store. The owner’s son or a relative ends up falling in love with her.  They end up I believe by accident finding her real Grandmother and it turns out that Lissa is from a wealthy and influential family.  I am trying to find the title of this book and the author.  It was probably written in the 1950s or 1960s


2 thoughts on “162A: Lissa was found alone as a baby or toddler after the Great San Francisco earthquake (solved)

  1. Julie

    This book is Young and Fair by Rosamund Du Jardin. It has been republished through Image Cascade so should be easy to find a copy in print (online).


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