192A: Where’s Charlie (We think)

It is a hardback children’s book that we read to our now 36 year old son in the late 70’s to mid 80’s.

It is about a little girl who has a pet mouse. One day she could not find him. Page after page, room after room she lloked for him; in the stove, refrigerator, closets, microwave, etc. . . . . NO CHARLIE! she finally found him asleep in the be in her doll house.

Please confirm the title and author for us so we can purchase them.

3 thoughts on “192A: Where’s Charlie (We think)

  1. Chanda

    This sounds like ‘Let’s Find Charlie’ by Lois Morton (Random House, 1962).

    Amy has lost her pet mouse Charlie. She asks the reader to help her find him. Together, they look through the whole house. The book is a lift-the-flap style, where the reader can open the “doors” to help look. (“Just look at all the closets! Charlie must be in one of those. Here’s Mother’s closet with her hats and dresses… There’s Daddy’s closet with his ties and suits. The linen closet holds towels and bedsheets… That’s Amy’s closet. See her toys? But no Charlie!”) Finally, Amy finds Charlie asleep in the dollhouse. (“My Goodness! My dollhouse!” said Amy. (Why didn’t we think of that before?) Open the doors and peek inside… Sure enough, there’s Charlie… sound asleep, never dreaming he’s been lost.”)

    1. April

      This is the book I’ve been searching for! It was a childhood favorite. I finally let it go in my 30s, but I want another copy. I’ve been searching for so long for any info on it for years! This the first sighting of any reference to it!

  2. Gill

    There’s a single copy available now on ebay (in the US) for a reasonable price. Elsewhere, there’s a copy on Biblio for 7x the money.


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