239C: Family gets rich but then they get fed up with the money

Me and my brothers were read this when we were growing up in the 1980s and none of us can remember the title. It is a children’s picture book with great graphics. The parents became wealthy being rock stars (or famous at least, if not rock stars) and they moved to a house with a gold bath plug in it and had an ice cream machine that made rainbow coloured ice-cream but then they got bored of the money. I remember that the mother complained about the bath plug being scratchy. The mother had a really cool hairstyle which came forward in a point on her forehead. It wasn’t a long book – for bed time reading- but we all think about it a lot and would love to find it.

3 thoughts on “239C: Family gets rich but then they get fed up with the money

  1. Sarah

    I am trying to find this book too! One of my favourite books from childhood but I can’t remember the name. I remember the girl was so sad and pale, living in her parents mansion who ignore her. I remember the gold bath plug too. The little girl is sent to live with an aunt and uncle in the countryside whilst her parents go on tour. She blossoms in the fresh air of country life and then her parents come and visit and decide that they no longer want the rock star lifestyle and buy a shop in the village! Would love to track this down again, what a blast from the past!

  2. Claudette

    Sarah and Jess, did you ever find out the name of this book?
    I have been trying to locate it for years too!
    I’m nearing 50 and I so want to see it again.
    I believe the bath was heart shaped if that narrows it down any further!


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