143O: A Salmon’s Life Story

This is one of two books I read in elementary school – more than 50 years ago, circa 1960 that connected me with thoughts and feelings way beyond my tender years. I’ve never forgotten them & would love to read them again.

The first one followed a salmon from his birth and throughout his life to his serenely accepted death. The part I remember most vividly is when he swims to the ocean where he meets a whale with an aura about him, a whale who, although the book never expresses it outright, is more than just a whale. The salmon comments on the aura, and the whale is impressed – very few animals are able to see it.

The book ends at the pond where the salmon was born. He comments (via the 3rd person narrator) how it looks so much smaller to him now than when he was young; and then peacefully lets same fisherman he eluded back then catch him, ending the story.

I did an Amazon search and came across several books tracing the life of a salmon (both fiction and non-fiction), but none of them was the one I’m looking for. A few years ago I read a review of a book with a similar theme and wrote the author asking if the book I’m trying to locate was an inspiration for him, but he had no knowledge of it.


4 thoughts on “143O: A Salmon’s Life Story

    1. Joe Strike

      Thank you so much – this is a wonderful Christmas present! Even if it isn’t the book I’m looking for (but I have a feeling it is) it sounds like a fascinating read. I just ordered a used copy from Amazon; once it arrives and I’ve read a few pages of it I’ll know for sure and I’ll post my ‘book report’ here. Thanks again and a happy new year to you!

    2. Joe Strike

      Finally got my copy of “Salar the Salmon.” Sorry to report it ISN’T the book I’m looking for. “Salar” is very dense and long – definitely not an easy read. The one I’m looking for was written for elementary school kids, maybe 5th or 6th grade. Thanx anyway for the suggestion – it was worth a shot.


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