Author Archives: admin

357E: Female Protagonist, Brooding Vampire

I’m trying to find a book I read in the late 1990s, early 2000s. The parts of the plot I remember are as follows:
1. The main character is a female journalist who at one point is cornered in an alley by a would-be rapist but manages to escape. I think she let the attacker fondle her breasts before kicking him in the groin and escaping.
2. The vampire love interest is brooding, and at one point watches the heroine from outside her house. I have a vague memory of him being described as wearing a long leather jacket.
3. I think there’s some kind of crime element? Like she’s a crime reporter or something like that.
4. The journalist lives alone and has a pet cat.
I think it was a paperback, and it had a film noir sort of vibe to my pre-teen self. I’ve thoroughly scoured the vampire genre on, but can’t find something that seems to fit.

357D: Adventures with a small bald alien

I think that I started reading this book in 1961 or 1962. A boy stumbles across a small alien individual ... male and bald ... and they have adventures. I remember that I liked it and re-read it several times.

I know, it sounds like the plot to ET.

I believe that a woman was the author of the book.

Thanks and good luck.

357C: 70s Purple Dragon (Solved!)

I was in elementary school in the 70s and I remember reading what I think was an early chapter book series with a boy and his purple dragon/dinosaur/monster. The illustrations in my memory were very minimalist and had a Quentin Blake feel to them but I’ve researched Quentin Blake’s work and don’t see it listed. The dragon/dinosaur/monster was very tall, definitely purple, and walked on two legs. I have a vivid memory of the boy riding on its shoulders. I don’t remember anything about the plot except they seemed somewhat surreal (maybe?) so I don’t know if the creature was real or imaginary. It’s possible the series was school literature only (not mass market published).

357B: A Rural Cat’s Life

It was published sometime before 1991.

It was the story of a cat's life, I think it was living on a farm, or generally somewhere rural. It starts when the cat was a kitten and ends when the cat is old. The book had large pages, probably 12"+ tall. The pages were mostly taken up by large drawings done in just black and white lines, like a comic book.  I think there were brief sentences at the bottom of the page, captions for the drawings.

357A: Teens in a mental (?) hospital, one named Bonnie, one called Zero

This book was probably published in the 70’s. Story of teens in a mental (?) hospital working with a new (?) young doctor trying to connect with them. One character is named Bonnie and she is mute or doesn’t interact with people but likes when the doctor (?) sings “My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean” so he starts to change the words and sings things like, “My Bonnie Lies Over the Pizza”, etc. Character called Zero was, I think, male, and I think, dies at the end. It was a small paperback size book with a hardcover that I read in the 80’s from my public library. I believe the cover was white.

356Z: Elephant Picture Book

Trying to find an old picture book about elephants. Pre-1980 probably. At least definitely pre-1985. The main thing I remember is it’s extremely sad. I think it has watercolor illustrations. And it’s about how elephants bury their dead and (I think) always remember where they are buried and even go back to visit.
I remember it as a story, but it’s so sad, I suppose it could have also been a non fiction picture book.
If you have any thoughts on what it might be, would love to hear.

356Y: No Silverware

I don't remember the actual book title but here are some details that I remember: 1) I read it around middle school 2) It has a female protagonist 3) The plot involves a girl or young woman who gets lost at sea and winds up on a mysterious island where time doesn't exist and people don't use silverware. 4) Eventually she is found and returned to her family but the island seems to have disappeared, and she can't remember how to use forks anymore. 5) If I remember correctly it was either a middle grade or young adult book, and was most likely published before 2006.

356W: 1960/70 children’s book with four dolls on cover

When I was in grade school late 60’s or early 70’s, I used to adore this pink book.  It was hard cover and had 4 girl names on it and a drawn picture of dolls.  Not illustrated, just a sketch.  It had 4 names of the dolls and I think one was like Rosemary.  The title only had those 4 names as much as I can recall.  Don’t remember the story even.  I just remember the hard cover was a bright pink with the 4 names of the dolls.