Sometime in 1960-62 I took an English History course in college. We were assigned reading for extra credit. I read a book about the Battle of Trafalgar, which I remember as riveting. I specifically remember a fulsome description of life aboard the battleship, including descriptions of how food was prepared, how surgery was performed during the battle, and other daily concerns of the sailors. I do not think this was a biography of Lord Nelson, rather a blow by blow of the lead-up to the Battle and the Battle itself. Clearly it had to have been written prior to 1960. I would really like to find this book.
Category Archives: 1940s
349G: Selfish Witch, Disguised as Regular Girl, Does Selfless Favor
Looking for a beautiful line-drawn picture book from earlier than 1975, about a witch and her daughter who live beyond the seven valleys and the seven seas. The daughter witch is selfish, and does not come home to her mother on time. Her mother sends her away until she can do a selfless favor for someone, while disguised as a regular girl. She is dropped off outside a village. Eventually, she finds a little boy who is also being punished, and helps him peel mounds and mounds of potatoes. She falls asleep doing this, and her mother comes to collect her. Ends with a line something like, "but she could never stand the sight of another potato."
349F: Boy with gigantic tall spoon catching clouds
348X: Blimp and Related Travel Modes – Book from 30’s or 40’s
I am searching for a children’s book probably published in the late 30’s or early 40’s.
346X: Fairy Tale Collection From Pre-1950’s Era
345Y: American Girl “Self Improvement”
345J: Young Girl Decries Dangers of Reading When Chased by a Bull
Read this book when I was around 8, which puts it at 1960. I am sure it was not new at that time.
Written by someone like Thurber or Ogden Nash, it was a collection of children’s short stories. The only one that I can remember clearly was about a little girl who couldn’t read. At the end, when she is being chased by a bull, she comes to the conclusion that reading (words?) are dangerous. The sign she couldn’t read said something like, ‘beware of bull.’
Hoping you can help me.
345F: Black Cat and Girl in Mountains
Searching for a Children’s book from about late 40s early 50s. A pen and ink drawing shows a child (girl I think) sitting in front of a cabin in the mountains (Alps?) holding a black cat. I believe the dust cover was white with black lettering.
Thank you.
344K: Love Stories Around the World
Daughter of the Sun (I thought) was the title.
343Z: Minda the Little Indian Girl
I’m searching for an old child’s book about a little Indian girl named Minda. My father bought it used in the 1950s. It was a child’s reader and I remember very colorful. We lived in Ohio and my father had a store where he sold things, like thrift stores today. He was so excited to find it for me. My fathers mother passed away when he was 9 in 1928 her name was Minda. I was named after her. I was always told she was Indian. I think Cherokee. My mother passed away when I was 17 in 1969. I never knew what happened to my book. I’ve searched many years now. Of course both parents are gone. I don’t know the name of the book. I never knew anyone else named Minda but I know there are. I’m hoping you can help me. Thank you.