I’m trying to remember the title of a children’s book I read in the mid-1960s (which I believe came out around that time, but I can’t be sure). It was about a little boy who rode a magic carpet around the world. He touched down in different countries and would learn a little bit about each place. It was a magical book for me as a child and wish I could remember more details!
Category Archives: 1960s
361G: YA historical novel heroine Margaret Plantagenet of York, later Margaret Pole
Young Adult historical novel about the childhood/teenage years of Margaret Plantagenet of York, who later became Margaret Pole, and her brother Ned (Edward, Duke of Warwick), at the end of the War of the Roses and beginning of the Tudor period. It starts in the court of her uncle, Edward IV, after her father (George, Duke of Clarence) has been executed for treason, and ends with her brother’s execution and her romance with Reginald Pole. My memory is that the heroine is known as Meggy or Peggy. I probably read this in the early 60s, but it might have been written in the 30s, 40s or 50s. I thought the author might be Elizabeth Janet Gray, Rosemary Sutcliffe, Margaret C. Leighton, or Elizabeth George Speare but can’t find anything that seems to match this story among their titles.
360I: Magic Ball (Children’s Sci-Fi)
I read this book as part of a children’s summer reading program at a small branch library next to my Dad’s hardware store in Clarksville, Indiana. The timing was some time between 1965-1968. Every book you read would earn a balloon stamp on a clown bookmark. You only received the stamp after giving a verbal recap of each book to the librarian.
I do not recall the title but I believe there were limited graphics inside the pages. A young boy finds a red ball in a field near his home. He quickly realizes that the ball can respond to his wishes. It can change color and size. Become heavy or light. It can even fly around the room and come to home when he calls.
Late in the book the ball starts to exhibit strange behavior as if it wants to escape. The boy follow the ball into the field where he meets the ball’s true owner: an alien child from a nearby space ship that has landed. The boy gives the ball back to the alien child and is thanked by the alien parent.
This book started my love of science fiction writing and led me to the likes of Wells, Verne, Asimov, Bradbury, Clarke and many others.
359T: Lifetime Feud Between Pony Express Rider and Teamster
Keyword: “Slade”. May be name of character, part of title, even place name.
I read the book in the mid to late 60’s. It was a Western, not a children’s book. A Pony Express rider and a teamster hate each other for reason unremembered (by me), which leads to a life-long feud. Their lives are somehow inextricably entwined, and they keep encountering each other. At the end, the teamster dies. I believe he may have been killed while saving the Pony Express rider. The Pony Express rider is distraught, and realizes his life is no longer as full as it once was, and he feels sad and empty.
359N: Hausa Shepherd Boy and Shepherd Girl
Seeking a 1960s children's book set among Hausa in Nigeria, about a young shepherd boy and shepherd girl.
359C: Murder on the African Plantation
Romantic suspense or mystery, 1960s-1970s? Could be paperback. Young British woman goes to African plantation, murder. She goes home. Police inspector arrives at door. She may have been poor relation. African servants may play role.
358Q: Strawberry Soda is a Success at Girl’s Party (Solved!)
The book I’m looking for was probably written in the 50’s or 60’s. It’s about a girl who is just encountering feelings for boys. The biggest thing I can remember is she decides to have a party and her parents get strawberry pop and she is afraid it’s going to be the wrong thing and instead, everyone loves it! No clue why I remember this, but there you go. She seems sort of sheltered, but in the end her party is a success and she gets a boyfriend, I think. I wish I could remember more! Hopefully someone else will remember strawberry soda/pop!
358J: A Girl and Her Dog
I am looking for a children’s book I remember reading in the 1960s, about a handicapped girl (name *might* have been Melanie or Melody) and her dog (I remember it being a West Highland terrier).
357Q: Sci-fi book including “Men of Harlech”
357P: Schizophrenic Lady M.D.
Book written in 1950’s, 60’s I think. But remotely possible published as late as 70’s, 80’s. Autobiography (?) by woman (maybe named “Diane”, not sure…?) who suffered schizophrenia (I think, or some sort of mental illness) and became an M.D. despite this.
Probably a U.S. book, but not sure. English language, anyway.