My search is for a children’s book, probably in the 1970-1997 time frame. The book was a time traveling mystery involving a shy, loner-type girl who escapes to sit in a nearby very old tree. On rare occasions, while in the tree, the girl time travels back to colonial times where she meets two girl friends in the tree. At this point, the tree is much younger. The colonial friends remark about the traveler’s shoes and how different they are. The shoes are modern sneakers. On a subsequent meet up, the time traveler brings an alphabet book which shows a picture of a giraffe listed for the letter “G.” The colonials have never seen a giraffe. At some point, the time traveling stops and the loner girl wonders what became of her colonial friends. On a library day, the loner looks up colonial samplers. She finds the sampler her colonial friends made when they couldn’t find her in the tree anymore. The antique sampler is of the alphabet with a giraffe for the “G” letter and a stitched picture of the modern girl with her sneakers! The title of this book is not known to me and i remember it had nothing to do with the possible subject matter of the book; therefore, not colonial samplers, mystery, time travel, etc. The author was a woman, but I don’t know the name. Please help locate the title and author of this book. I am sure my two grand daughters would love this book, which my daughter read years ago in Virginia. Thank you!
Category Archives: 1980s
329N: Magical World Past A Hole In The A Hedge
Seeking children’s picture book, pre-1999 but probably after 1980. Round brothers and sister with straw hats (maybe sailor outfits too) find a hole in a hedge. They get all dirty in a mud puddle and find a magical world with a very geometric castle on the other side of the hedge. One of them might get lost/want to stay. Found in a library in 90s. Driving me insane.
329C: Ghost of California chicken racer
Published before 1989, likely current setting is late 70's or early 80's. Teenage girl with mom and brother, no dad, move to a 3 story house off the California coast line. The house has a curved driveway with a tree stump in the grass. The family does not have a car, but the girl keeps hearing a car idling in the driveway. Then starts to see an oil leak when everyone else sees dirt. Later she sees a 50's style car (blue if I remember correctly) and a man in his late teens or early 20's in a bomber jacket. Man died in a chicken race when his car went over the cliff. He is asking the girl to help him find his girlfriend from that time, who used to live in the house. Detail about the house is that the circular window on the 3rd floor always breaks out even after the tree was cut. Which used to be tall enough to reach the 3rd floor window. Below the house is a small cottage surrounded by lots of flowers and the person who lives there befriends the girl. She is the new girl in school and everyone thinks she is crazy, especially when the ghost of the man in the bomber jacket starts to dance with her on the school's cruise along the coast. Of course, no one can see him and everyone thinks she is dancing by herself. The cover has the picture of the girl, brunette I think, standing in the driveway, with a see-through image of the man in the bomber jacket and his car behind her.
328S: World Without Color Becomes Colorful
I am looking for a book I read to my children sometime between 1981-1985. It is about a world without color that then became colorful. There was a line “the brown earth” and maybe gray earth was mentioned – that is about all I can remember.
328R: Red Head Girl Falls In Love With Ghost Of Civil War Soldier
328O: Teenage Girl Learns About Jealousy (Solved!)
I’ve been looking for this book forever! I read this book around 1985, in Taiwan. The book was written in another language, not sure which, mostly likely English, and translated to Chinese.
Kids / Young Adult / Teen book about a teen / pre-teen girl competing with one of her classmates about everything. The entire book was written in 1st person telling the reader how much she envies one of her classmates because that person had everything. I remember her describing the other girl’s hair and the smell of her shampoo. She loves photography and drama. Once she took a close-up photo of a tree for a contest, thought it was perfect lighting, perfect shapes… etc, but it ended up getting her in trouble because there were a curse word on the photo upside-down that she never saw. She went to a drama camp and completed for the leading role, only to found out that she had stage fright so bad that she can’t do anything. At the end she realized that she was a great director, as soon as the spot light is not on her, she does very well.
Hope you can help.
328I: Boy Destroys “Talking” Gorilla Costume
328G: Rich Cat And Poor Cat in New Orleans
Trying to remember title of a children’s fiction book set in New Orleans. Read in the 80s. One rich white fluffy groomed cat and one thin scruffy chimney sweep cat. Illustrations in black-and-white. Title may have been in blue foil. White cat may have lived on St. Charles Avenue.
Illustrations may have been somewhat similar to Black and White illustrations in Roald Dahl’s books. Shaded gray, a little messy.
328E: Piano player from 1910’s meets girl from present
I read this book sometime in 80’s or early 90s. A young girl recently graduated from high school or boarding school is invited to spend the summer before college with a distant cousin who lives in an old house somewhere in the Midwest. I believe the girl is recently orphaned and has been left financially set. She starts to hear a piano playing at night and when she dons an Edwardian dress one night, She meets and falls in love with a young man from the 1910’s who loves ragtime music. I can’t remember if they meet through time slip or if he is a ghost. When she finds out he left for Europe on the eve of World War I, she decides to delay college and travel to Europe to find out what happened to him or perhaps find him. I remember her wearing bell bottoms. Been looking for this book for a long time and would appreciate any leads.