- Probably read it in the 80s. Maybe early 90s
- Female author.
- Likely bought the book because I recognized author’s name, so probably not a rookie.
- She was a story teller who used humor sometimes.
- The basic theme was about a woman (age uncertain) who felt as though she was disappearing, bit by bit. Disappearing as in not being noticed/relevant/whatever.
- My fuzzy recollection is that others couldn’t see that this was happening to her.
- Vague recollection of book cover art: a woman was portrayed mostly as a real person. But some of her picture was composed of dotted lines indicating graphically that part of her had disappeared/was disappearing.
- I’ve Googled my brains out. Lists of female authors writing in the 1970-1990 era. Also lists of best sellers. Maybe my book was a flop.
- I’ve consulted librarians.
- I’ve posted this weird quest on Facebook, since I have many friends there who are voracious readers.
How vague is that?!