Category Archives: 1990s-
358H: Cold War spy thriller set in Africa
As a child (sometimes in the 80’s or early 90’s) I read a book about a brilliant and charismatic Cold War era African leader who uses military cunning to successfully invade two of his neighboring countries (I believe Togo and Benin) .
The plot revolves around the leader setting the two countries against one another by having a mercenary frame one country for planting a bomb in the other. The leader than promises each country his support in a future war, but ends up invading and taking over both countries.
The book features an American or British white citizen visiting the country, befriending the African leader and falling in love with with a black tall singer. He joins the final battle in the book.
I also recall a minor scene where a pedophile communist spy was able to discover the plot by getting a government official drank, but he is killed prior to being able to share the info.
Another character is a British white secretary which works for the African leader and becomes his mistress.
I did extensive online research but could not find the book.
358G: Children’s Book with Elevator
357X: Cat Gets Lost, Travels World
The book I remember is a children’s book. I think the cover showed the cat sitting in front of the Taj Mahal.
357W: Racy novel set in 1960s in Fashion Industry
357V: Traveling between the realms
357O: Scandinavian folk tale collection (Solved!)
I am looking for a book that was a series of short stories or collection of Scandinavian (?) folk tales. It could possibly be classified as young adult but likely for a younger age range (10-14). The usual searches (Norwegian, Swedish, Scandinavian folktales) have not turned up the book, so perhaps it was a collection of general folk/magical themed stories. There were pictures throughout book. They were not in a cartoon style but drawn and I believe one picture showed a cave and/or beach. I only remember these drawings being in black and white. There was at least one story about the sea. The version I had was paperback. Cover art: White background, young girl (face of a young girl). It is was nymph like, or some type of fairy. Very g-rated. There was some green on the cover. It was more modern looking than the usual cover art for Nordic folk tale books, however, an overall flowy feel to the cover. Timing: I received it sometime between 1998-2002. It was likely purchased in Canada at either McNally’s Robinson bookstore or an independent seller.
357M: Ordinary Man Caught Up In Biker Gang
Around 30 years ago I read a book about an ordinary man that gets caught up with a violent biker gang. The leader was beefy and wore a black leather vest over his bare torso; he ends up murdered and is buried with his hog.
357L: Girl endures US occupation by Japanese after WW2
Read in the 1980s – 90s. Book follows a young girl in the US after WW2 where US loses the war. The Japanese take over the US and we follow this girl as she is forced to live under Japanese rule.
357J: Marshmallow fluff and peanut butter sandwiches and mom’s note (Solved!)
Early 90s children’s book. Book about children making marshmallow fluff and peanut butter sandwiches. They make a mess and find their mom’s note that says where she has gone to. The note has fluff all over it and they are only able to see a few letters. They go about trying to decode the note, imagining all the places she could be. Finally, it ends that it says she went to the pet store and comes back with a dog!