Non-fiction. Published pre-2008. Possibly a few decades earlier. Authored by 1 or 2+ woman writers. This book details 13 (?) 15(?) types of male johns who frequent female prostitutes. It is the result of studies and/or interviews conducted with prostitutes (possibly including 1 or more of the authors?) about the archetypes of johns who are categorized based on their preferences, requests, proclivities. It is an obscure book, somewhat academic in nature. Possibly a U.S.-based publication. The title–I believe–did include a number referencing how many categories of johns there are. (Note: the book is NOT The Johns: Sex for Sale and the Men Who Buy It).
Category Archives: 1990s-
346S: The no where land – Abstract Menace Engulfs World (Solved!)
346O: Man-Hating Girl With Two Horses Named Prince and Swan
Can’t remember the title of a book. I read it about 10-12 years ago as a child. It had an orange cover I think, and I remember the words swan, golden, or road were maybe part of the title? It’s about a young girl who lives in some sort of Middle Eastern/Asian/Russian country I believe? And she always has suitors but she rejects them in a man-hating sort of way. The most memorable part is I think she has a horse called Prince and maybe a white horse called Swan. At one point she is locked in a cave/tomb with only a jug of water and a jug of oil for lighting a candle for days on end. After that she grabs on one of the horse’s tail to pull/drag her out? I read a query on the NYPL website which may be this book, but it has not been answered. I’ll include a copy paste of the person’s query below. Thank you for taking the time to read this and search.
346I: Large format, landscape oriented, pen and ink book of old farm life
The book is from the 1990s or 2000s. i think it’s just called “Farm” and it’s quite large – 18 inches wide by 10 inches tall or so. The spine is on the top – it opens upwards. It’s completely hand lettered with pen & watercolor drawings of life on an old farm (English I think). The cover is broth cloth. It may be more of an art book than a children’s book. I believe the author might have a French name. Thanks for your help!
345T: Young Woman Rests In Ghostly Manor, Finds Out She Is Ghost Herself
I’m looking for a book. A young woman is ill. Friends send her on vacation to rest. She goes to a manor and there is a ghost. She finds out towards the end that she is a ghost also. She was so ill that she died, but didn’t know it.
345M: Illustrated Story About Made-up Machines
This story was in a Language Arts textbook in the mid 90s. Each page spread described a different imaginary, Rube Goldberg-esque, fantastical machine. In my memory of the illustrations, they were very surreal, beautiful and detailed, in the style of William Joyce or David Wiesner.
345L: Children’s Book – Little Girl Trying to Hide a Giant (Cyclops?!)
This was a book my father used to read to me at bedtime in the early/mid-90s. There was a little girl (perhaps with a pageboy haircut, pretty sure she had brown hair and bangs!) who, for reasons I cannot remember, comes upon a giant (who if memory serves had one giant eye) whom she has to hide. I feel like there may be a scene in a library and/or one involving a fence or hedge. I’ve been searching for this book for YEARS!
344R: Historical American romance pregnant heroine with amnesia
I read this book as a teenager in the early 1990s. It was a paperback, but I don’t think it was a Harlequin.
- An American soldier/person of importance
- An American from an upstanding family who were sympathetic to the plight of the Native American Indians
- America
- During a war – not sure which one, but it involved Native American Indians
Main plot
- Hero and heroine marry in a traditional Native American Indian ceremony.
- Heroine is given a necklace with a carved wooden charm (I think a turtle) in lieu of a wedding ring.
- Heroine is kidnapped on her wedding night. She suffers a head injury and gets amnesia and finds out she is pregnant while imprisoned.
- The hero finds her, but she does not recognise him.
- The hero claims her and they are married in a traditional Christian ceremony.
- Heroine gives birth to their child – a girl – and regains her memory.
Other plot twists
- Heroine’s brother is fighting in the war. He secretly marries a Native American Indian known to the family. Heroine’s brother is killed in the war, and his wife dies in childbirth, and the heroine cares for their child – a son named Andrew (I think) after his father (the heroine’s brother).
- One particularly gruesome scene where a preacher is tortured and burned.
344Q: Fruit and Vegetable Creations to Entice Reluctant Child
344O: Children’s picture book about girl who dances with shadows
Looking for a children’s picture book about a girl who lives in a village (likely indigenous, maybe based on cliff dwellers?). The villagers see scary shadows on the walls of the cliff they live at the bottom of and thinks they are monsters. Eventually the girl climbs to the top of the cliff (maybe with a grass? ladder) and discovers that the shadows weren’t monsters, but friendly (people or animals, can’t remember.) I read this book as a kid around 2000, my grandparents had bought it, so likely published between like 1990 and early 2000s. They’d traveled to Australia and American Southwest, and I think book was purchased one of those places. It was a hardcover with full color illustrations. Tried googling key words but can’t find it so far, help!