Loganberry Books would like to thank all the Magicians, Wizards, Geniuses, and Miracle Workers out there who help solve our Book Stumpers. Without you we would never be able to reunite people with their long lost book titles.
In the spirit of the season we would like to extend a token of our appreciation to all you wonderful people. This year there are three gifts to choose from.
1) Vintage Children’s book (titles and condition vary)
2) Advanced Reader’s Copy (contemporary grab bag)
3) One free Stump the Bookseller posting in 2014
Please send me an email (ami@logan.com) with Stumper Magician in the subject line by January 13th. Tell me something about yourself (what do you do for a living? How many Stumpers have you solved? What do you wish would be reprinted?), and let me know which gift you would like. If you are choosing a book, please be sure to include your mailing address.
Many thanks and Happy Holidays,
Ami & the rest of the crew at Loganberry Books