This white boy grows up in 60s/70s NYC slum and renews contact with childhood bully. Long novel with fake? music history, maybe published in the 90s/00s.
Thank you so much!
Category Archives: Unsolved
370W: Child/pre-teen collection of eccentric stories occurring at a school/office
I can’t remember whether the stories are related or unrelated. A girl named Erika/Erica presents something to her class (I think it was a poem or short writing), but her name is not revealed until the end of the story/chapter, when the teacher calls her up to the front to present. Another character figures out how to hypnotize people to bawk like chickens or do other things. The book is relatively short (probably around 100 pages) and I read it around 5 years ago. The stories were quite unusual, and I first found and read it in an elementary school classroom.
370U: Little girl, fried egg sandwich and a dog, maybe lost in the woods
I have this vague memory of a book from my childhood, might be made up or even a dream or……
All I have to go is a little girl with a fried egg sandwich with her dog going on a picnic and maybe getting lost in the woods and them sharing the sandwich???
Good luck and thanks
370T: Current Events and How to Explain to Children Via Different Religions
Description: immediately post 9/11, in New York (I think), 3 women meet to “brainstorm” what/how to tell their children about that event. One woman is a Christian, another a Muslim and the third is Jewish. Their meetings continue as they compare and contrast how their religious backgrounds lead them to view both current happenings and each other.
370S: All About Puberty
Looking for a pre-teen girl book I read in the late 80s/early 90s that was already really dated. The girl in the book is going through puberty and gets her period. But the maxi pads still have the belt and the hooks. My friend and I just saw Are you there God? and for the life of us we can’t remember this book. They may have also been a part about keeping notes in a notebook about puberty.
370Q: Traveling Aunt Seek and Find Book
I have a query for you: I was delighted in a seek-and-find book as a child in the mid-1990s which, if my memory serves me correctly, followed a globe-trotting aunt. The reader was always one stop behind her, and to try to catch her was required to find objects and people in each image spread.
The book was large, slim, hard-backed, and had relatively little text. As usual for this genre, the images were visually busy illustrations in a reasonably realistic style. I have no memory of the title nor the author, but I do remember that some of the locations included an Australian beach (with people wearing white sunblock on their noses), a wet market in Asia (lots of produce and people wearing straw hats) and an airport scene with a man tearing up his tickets. I am fairly certain there was also a scene of people at a ski lodge with lots of snow and chair lifts, but that image is less clear than the others. Each of these scenes took up a full two-page spread.
I read it between 1994 and 2000, although I do not know if it was published before that.
370O: Children’s Paperback Picture Book, circa 1980, girl monster/purple dinosaur with a red dress, beautifully illustrated
Hello, Stumpers. To the best of my memory, this is a Children’s Paperback Picture Book, circa 1980.
It was set in a woods, populated with monsters, near a lake that featured heavily. I think our protagonist – a girl monster whose face resembled a purple baby dinosaur, and who wore a red dress with puffy sleeves – saw her reflection in the water and got scared, or didn’t understand it was her.
It was beautifully illustrated line work, trying to make things look realistic with texture and shading, versus the looser style and flat coloring of a Mercer Mayer or Richard Scarry.
370N: Cutting the String that Binds
This is a book set in Wales, a lot of focus on the Moors of Wales. Possibly a YA love story book. About a royal and a civilian… I believe a prince and a “common” girl. One of the characters, I believe the girl, talks of a string that connects the two together and somewhere in the story the string gets cut.
370M: Crossing the state on foot
Teenage girl somehow loses family in big city, sets off to relative’s home in another state on foot sleeping in barns, scraping together coins for food along the journey. Read in the late 60’s early 70’s school library.
370L: House where the objects look like faces
A picture book that goes through the rooms of a house at night showing objects that are places in a way to make it look like faces/people etc. I have a particular memory of a garden/shed page and a bathroom page for sure! If there is a story component to the book I don’t remember it unfortunately. Read sometime between 2000-2008 I think.