Category Archives: YA (grades 7-9)

344F: YA Fantasy Fae Man With Backwards Bird Feet

A young female (I think orphan) takes a train to a mansion (orphanage?) with just a suitcase. The master of the house is a man with backwards bird feet. The young girl finds out everyone’s fae and she’s the daughter of powerful fae (king & queen?)

A pair of the fae are twins, I think. There’s a werewolf in the woods…there is some sort of fae event in a tent…I don’t remember anything else.

It was a paperback.

I believe there’s at least a sequel which is why I’m trying to find it.

Not sure when book was set.

Average length book. Maybe 250-300 pages?


I think it was newish when I read it a few years ago and I think the sequel was due out a few years ago but I could be wrong.

Thanks for any help! It’s driving me nuts. I thought it was Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children but started reading that and it’s definitely not it lol.

344C: YA novel from 1960s; English girl fall in woods and breaks leg

I am looking for a chapter book or YA novel I read in third grade in 1971-72. I believe it would have been published in the 1960s or between 1970-71 but it could also have been in 1950s.

It was about a girl in England who lived with her mother and no father. They lived in a flat, which was the first time I had encountered that word. The only thing I can distinctly remember was that the girl was hiking in the woods, alone, I believe, and fell and broke her leg and then had to figure out how to get help.

344B: Rural family of sisters YA series

This is so vague…
I remember reading a series of young adult novels in the early 90s, though I feel the books had been around for awhile. From what I remember the books were about a rural family (I think set somewhere between the 1920s and 1940s… but not sure) I believe each novel in the series was from the perspective of a different sister each time. The only piece of plot I remember was about them fermenting something too long and it became alcohol instead of vinegar.
Thank you for your help!

343T: Summer Time Twins (Solved!)

The book I am looking for is a young adult book. I read it when I was a pre-teen in the early 90’s. It had twins, a boy and a girl, and the girl was named Willa. The boy may have been named August. They were also pre-teens. Their mother may have had a baby—a boy?? I remember trees, summer time and perhaps a tree swing or hammock. Maybe lemonade?

343R: Girl Must Murder Psychopathic Boyfriend to Stay Alive

Hi Folks,

I’m looking for a YA title about a girl trapped in a relationship with a psychopath. For a while she tries to overlook his evil and thinks that she might be able to change him. In the end she has to kill him to escape (before he kills her).

Truth told. I’m looking for a good comparison title for a book I just wrote. A good, fairly recent book about this would be perfect.


343N: SCI FI YA book about female doctor on hot dry planet

Any help would be hella appreciated!!!! I read this book a long time ago and would love to read it again! What I remember: it’s on a different planet that is very very hot and dry and there is a female doctor and a delivery person (that I think delivered medicine). The delivery person is pretending to be a boy because of how the planet treats women. The woman doctor can’t get in a car without her husband and has to practice medicine wearing a veil. The delivery person and her fall in love and breaks the law somehow. The doctor is executed by being put in a pit during a hot day The final scene is all these woman protesting by tearing off their veils in broad daylight.
Again, I appreciate any help!!!!!

343L: Boyfriend Sleeps in Snow on Cold Night to Prove Love (Solved!)

I have searching for this book for a while. It is something I read in middle school. I’m 36 years old. The book was about a high school girl that was dating her brother’s best friend. It takes place in a state in the US where it snows and some or all of the book takes place during winter. I remember there was a window seat where she drank hot chocolate and looked out and saw him in the front yard. There was also a scene where they got into a fight and to prove himself to her he built himself a place to sleep in the snow in her front yard. I remember the Mom remarking that it was cold out there. Unfortunately I don’t remember the title or author or names of the main characters but I remember the book being well written and very age appropriate for middle school and early high school. I hope you can figure it out!! I would love to grab a copy for my home library. Thank you!

342Z: Science Fiction Banks Hacked

-science fiction, young adult

-main character was a male

-someone had made some kind of system where everyone had their own personal code - could be a bank password, savings code, etc. - but it was extremely private and considered unhackable. I think it was based on polynomials or factorials

-The conflict is that someone figures out how to hack everyone’s password, data is exposed

-main character has some kind of relationship to either the person that created the code or the person that hacked it. I think there’s a rivalry between the main character and another male

-there’s a really big twist in the middle of the book!

-might turn into a heist book? but also maybe not

-I *think* the original hardcover is blue/green, has overlayed code in the background, one modern-looking symbol. Possibly a key

-read in 2013/2014, and I had at least 2 books in the series out at the time, I’m only describing the first one. I was in 8th grade - 12 or 13 at the time. The book was age-appropriate

342H: A Moon Boy’s Android Brother

I am hoping you can help me find a book from my childhood. I think it was from the early 80s to mid 90s. It was about a boy that gets an Android robot for a brother. I think they live on the moon in the future. I think one of them has red hair. I believe it was a kid’s series, I was between 10-14 when I read it. I could be totally wrong on how old it was. I think I read the book in 2000 so it could be 1990s too. But I remember the two kids are climbing a tree in it, and I think they were around 12, and lived in a dome on the moon. Again, not sure about this one. I think there were 2 or 3 books in the series.
Thanks for the help!

342G: YA series about children in another land on an adventure and protected by blue light

I am looking for a young adult series about children who travel to another land. In the first book, I remember them being able to open a book and it put an umbrella-like blue light around them that protected them from something bad or evil. I remember a tree or building that seemed much smaller from the outside than once they got inside, and a scene in the book where a girl has to walk across a canyon and keep eye contact with someone on the other side. I also remember a scene where they are going through a forest and are told they have to be sure to stay awake and almost fall asleep, but come to and continue on their journey. In another book in the series, a boy is invisible but also frozen or paralyzed and I remember him being stuck on a stair landing. In another one of the books, a boy encounters a man with a map on his leg and I believe he gets to the other land by going through bushes or a hedge. There is a later scene where he is in a boat on a lake full of eels. I have been looking for this series for YEARS so any help is very appreciated.

My best guess is that I read the books between 1993 and 1996. I think I originally checked it out from the church library.