Category Archives: YA (grades 7-9)
325R: Goose Blown Off Course, Nursed Back To Health
325P: Cereus Cactus Blooms During Anschluss
I’m looking for a middle school book, what would be YA these days, but they didn’t have YA in the 60’s, when I most likely read this book. The protagonist is a girl, part of whose attention is focused on a night-blooming cereus cactus party that her family will hold on the night that the plant blooms. Surrounding this domestic detail are the events leading up to the Anschluss and the threat that the Anschluss presents.
324U: Glass Children House/Castle
I recall reading a book as an early teen in the 90's about a group of children with harsh parents and the title was something along the lines of ". . . . . . . ,houses of glass".
324R: Teen Son and Father in 20th Century help Patient who speaks Ancient Greek return to hidden Greek location
For some time I have been trying to remember the name and author of a book I read when I was around 13 years old, in the 1960’s. I believe the book would have been written in the 1950’s or early 1960’s, although maybe it was earlier from the 1940’s. I borrowed it from the public library in town.
It was by a male author who also wrote adult mysteries. My father recognized the author’s name and so also read this book and we talked and joked about it a little bit that year.
The plot is generally, that there is a boy, (young teen?) whose father is either a doctor or professor or archeologist ,who must speak Greek, because he is called in to talk to a patient who speaks ancient Greek. The patient says that he is from Greece (somewhere in ancient Greece, only to him it is the current and only one). Apparently he died and was sent out across the River Styx and ended up in a hospital or a mental institution in England, I believe.
So he wasn’t really dead when he was sent on his journey to the afterlife. As the father and the patient talk, the father and the son decide to go with the patient to retrace his journey and find the ancient Greek outpost that has somehow survived into the the 20th century. They find it and although I still can visualize this place, surrounded by mountains and cut off from the modern world, I cannot remember the ending of the book either.
I remember odd lines and scenes from the book. For example, the son has decided to read the Bible front to back and reflects upon some of the odd customs and the many battles in the Old Testament. Also, one of the things the patient says is that he prefers to clean himself by stepping into a basin of water and not the contraption where you pull on a chain and you are rained upon.
I have looked at many of the mystery authors of the time and have tried to see if they wrote such a book to no avail. I also looked in the Public Library where I grew up but it was too overwhelming and there is a good chance that book is not only out of print but was put into one of their many book sales years ago.
I cannot remember the title. Did it have “Zeus” in it somewhere? Did it refer to the river Styx? Did it have some cute title like the Greek Urn Cracked? The title must have captured my attention.
I appreciate your help with this as periodically I become obsessed with finding it.
324O: Girl(?) Plays In Dump Where Strange Man Lives, Finds Him Dead In Fridge/Freezer
I’m looking for a book I read in middle school (most likely) or high school: A young girl(?) either moves in with a new family, or a new house. She plays in the woods and the local dump. Her parents warns her to not play in the abandoned fridges/freezers because children get trapped in them. At some point there is either talk of, or discovery of a man living in the woods – he is slow minded. He is seen positively by the girl. Later this man is found by her inside a fridge/freezer in the dump. This is the first time she has been confronted by death.
324N: Girl Camping In A Treehouse
Looking for a book - not sure if it’s a novel or short story - about a young girl spending time, possibly during summer break, in the woods. She’s pre-teen or teen, and with the permission of her family is living either in a tent or a treehouse out in the country, perhaps right on her family’s property. I don’t remember much else except 1) her eating roasted grasshoppers, and 2) someone (her father?) dropping off books for her to read and her being annoyed because she didn’t want help. I read this in the late 70s/early 80s, but have no idea when it was published.
324L: A Hidden Room Mystery Story (Solved!)
1960’s-1970’s YA mystery short story–people search a castle for a missing keep or room wherein may be hidden a fortune. Many people search. They decide to put a cloth in each window as they search; then they can see from the outside which window has no cloth and is therefore the hidden room. The story is possibly from one of the Alfred Hitchcock Presents Anthologies. It certainly had that feel. Although many others are searching this castle for a missing keep or a room in a keep, only one person finds it. There is some sort of secret entrance, I recall. When the finder discovers the entrance and room, another character (the bad guy) goes with him and murders him there and “hides” the secret entrance to the room again.
I recall (or believe I recall) a line at the end—part of the thoughts of the skeptical castle groundskeeper, I think– “there was no Norman keep.”
324D: A Young Boy At A Sheep Ranch (Solved!)
Seeking a copy of a book that my father gave me circa 1963 when I was almost 7—the only and last present he gave me before disappearing from my life forever. Narrative follows a young boy sent to a sheep ranch, perhaps as an orphan(?) I believe, but little else comes to mind except a blue cloth binding and white or silver spine lettering. It was a YA book, over 100 pages, with some illustrations, which of course I could only read a few years later.
Inside he wrote: “Keep your right up” as he had tried to teach me to box, but I don’t think boxing is part of the story line.
(I had this copy until my sister sold it at a yard sale when I went away to school at 14!)
323Z: Girl Grows Up In Coastal Town, Where Body Is Found On Beach
The book I am looking for I read between 2006 and 2010. I believe it was a young adult novel/ coming of age and had a dark blue/purple cover with cursive writing. Looked to be a night image above the sea, maybe?
Plot was about a girl that, I believe, lived in coastal town (maybe northeast) with her family. They ran some sort of store (deli, small grocery or something) and they lived in back or above the store. She had a sister who got pregnant and married. I think her sister might have moved back home after she had the baby. She also had a couple brothers or one who was missing or had died. Tommy is ringing a bell of a character.
The main girl made friends with another prettier girl who was popular, and they were friends with a couple boys. They went to a dance at a local country club or golf club and I remember the main girl having issues over picking out the dress she wore. Something either yellow or with eyelets maybe?
I think someone died or drowned in the book? There was something that happened where a body was found down on the beach…Maybe related to the town trouble maker (his brother ?).
Sorry this is fuzzy and I think some plots of books I read during the same time running together. I thought a man wrote the book and it was out of his normal genre but I could be wrong.
I would greatly appreciate your help! I have been searching for this off and on for years. My friend has recommended it but she cannot remember it either.