The book is a juvenile chapter book from the ’70s or ’80s. Called something like _Best Friends_. It’s about a girl who loses her best friend to another girl. I remember that she eats Chinese food with a new friend at the friend’s restaurant. She also participates in a puppet show from Alice in Wonderland and she is the Red Queen. The former best friend comes crawling back after a fight with the new girl but she realizes that she likes having lots of friends vs. exclusive to one best friend.
Category Archives: YA (grades 7-9)
300G: The Leprechauns used to be in heaven
St. Patrick’s Day picture book where man is captured by leprechauns. I don’t remember much of it, but when I was in middle school (2010-2014) a teacher read us a book about a man whose horse/cow was stolen by leprechauns, so he follows them the next time they come and gets trapped in their home under a mountain until he can escape— which he eventually does and with his animal. The one thing I definitely remember is that the book mentioned that the Leprechauns used to be in heaven, but they were thrown out by Gabriel after the fall of Lucifer, forcing them to live on earth with humans.
300E: Sleep by day and live by night
The book I am looking for is a series. I grew up in Australia and while I cannot be sure, I think the author was Australian (possibly even female). The story is about three children or young teenagers. They live in the future where the world is too hot by day for anyone to be active, so they now sleep by day and live by night. The children have to go beyond their village or camp for some reason and they end up crossing vast land in search of something. I believe there were three books in the series, although it may have been more. I remember thinking it was interesting that everyone lived by night, with the light of the fire. The elders were respected. It was almost as though humans had to resort to the way of life before modern civilization. I think they have found a lost city on their adventure.
I have been trying for a really long time to find this book series. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
300C: Siblings lost in a forest
I’m looking for a book I read as a kid in the 90s – a family of 4 goes RV camping in the forest, and a flash flood kills the parents. The siblings (a brother and sister) are forced to fight for survival and escape the woods.
299S: Mystery du Lac (Solved!)
For the life of me I cannot remember the title of the book or the author. It was from the late 80’s or early 90s and was a mystery with teenaged characters. There was a girl sent to spend the summer with her aunt and a selfish cousin. I think a few years pass after the cousin’s death and there is a reunion and all of these odd things start happening. It was on a lake and had a French name like Fond du Lac or Chance du Lac. It might have been on the Wisconsin/Canada border. There was a romance element to it and the heroine was meant to feel like she could trust no one.
299R: Witches and a Glass Mountain (Solved)
I remember almost nothing about this book except the cover and the fact that I loved it. The cover was blue, with a picture of a glass mountain on it, and a couple of little witches on broomsticks flying around it. I read it in the early 1970’s when I took it out of the library and it was probably aimed at 10 – 12 year olds. I realize this is not a lot to go on! But thank you for any help anyone can offer.
299E: Pre-Revolutionary War historical fiction trilogy read in the early 1970s
As I remember this trilogy it starts shortly before the French and Indian War and follows the generations of the family through the war of 1812. I think the main character in the first book is named Adam. The family owns a farm. A key scene I remember is when someone is dying of a fever and their family member takes pity on them and gives them water to comfort them even though it is strictly against the doctor’s orders– the medical practice being so wrong really made an impression on me. I took these three books out of the Park Ridge, IL public library when I was in junior high and read them several times. I think they were written in the early sixties but it could be earlier. There are a lot of descriptions of colonial life and the generational tensions about fighting in wars. They were longer and more advanced reading than Johnny Tremain.
299B: Abandoned Gothic Mansion Mystery (Solved)
I read this book late 90’s / early 2000’s (1998-2002), but the book could have been written any time in the 90’s. I know it was a mystery book aimed at 10-15 year olds, the main character was a boy who was about 13. (there may have been a female character too) The boy explores / investigates this abandoned gothic mansion, coming across clues as he does so. One of the clues is the word “Boss Stone” which eventually he realizes is the architecture term (“knob or protrusion of stone or wood”). He realizes that there is a “boss stone” located on the ceiling in the main room of the mansion, and once he gets access to it there is something hidden behind it. The only other part i remember is that the building is haunted / guarded by this cloaked figure that has a tentacle.
298W: Rebuilding cars, girls, and all things teen
A teen series of short novels/stories about rebuilding cars, girls, and all things teen. They were published and stocked in public school libraries late 50s early 60s.
298L: A treasure in a monastery garden
The book I am thinking about would have been published before 1968 I believe because i read it when I was about eight or nine in 1967. I live in England. I believe i borrowed it from the library or the school library.
The book was about a group of children staying in an old Abbot’s house or at least close to an old monastery. Virtually all I can remember of the plot was the finding of an old map in a settle in the house, which led them to find treasure in the monastery garden. I seem to remember the treasure was actually from the church and it was important for some reason that it had been found.
I know it is very little to go on!