362B: Bopeep’s Lost Book
I’m looking for a book from my childhood. I read it somewhere in the 80’s. It a book about a cowboy & I think he had a bad attitude. It’s about the adventures he had. Somewhere in the book it was prophesied that he would die after seeing a bird fly upside down. The book had colorful illustrations. I remember the chapter was upside down in the air somehow & he saw a bird flying. Because he was upside down in the air he therefore saw a bird (I think it was a buzzard) flying upside down & I believe he died after that. I must have read the book when I was somewhere around 4th grade which would have been about 1986-1990 but I believe the book may have originally came out somewhere near the late 70’s. I could be wrong about that though. I think the cover of the book was white.
362A: Monkey eating crackers
361Z: Super Smart Boy at Top Secret School Fights Bad Guys (Solved!)
The main character is extremely smart, but his parents make him hide it. He gets recruited to a top secret high school. He also has an extremely high oxygen intake. He meets a few friends who all have extreme talents, the only one I remember is really good vision. His parents are taken over by bad guys and he tries to fight them.
361Y: Emily’s Animals Join the Family
Children’s picture book (title unknown) involving a blonde girl who brings home a menagerie of animals to live with her and her family. The animals were the basic variety e.g. dog, cat, bird, horse, etc. . . The illustrations I would describe as whimsical. The little girl’s name might have been Emily (asked a family member what they remembered, and they thought this but obviously could be wrong). The book was read between 2003-2007, it could have been published around or before this time. I’m located in Edmonton, Alberta so the book was at least likely published in North America. So far books that I can confirm aren’t it: Emily’s house, Tierparadies Emily & Co, Thanks for telling me, Emily
361X: Cutting the Sails Wrong
361W: Japanese book about a boy who seeks a powerful sword from a dragon atop a mountain
I don’t know how you guys do with a series compared to single books, as this may be memory of the plot being tied to all the books, but I will try to order what I can remember as I go. If I were to guess I’d say there’s between 3 and 6 books.
361V: The Ungrateful Princess (Solved!)
I don’t remember the name or author. I had this book as a child in the late 90s-early 2000s but it could be older. It had really beautiful illustrations with a cut paper kind of vibe? It was about a spoiled, selfish girl, maybe a princess. She drained all the water from a fountain and killed all the fish. And there was some kind of ceremony to find her a husband but she rejected all the gifts and was rude and she was sent away. She found a unicorn in a thorn bush and rescued him even though she got pricked by the thorns and tore her dress to bandage the unicorn’s leg and then she learned her lesson about being a jerk.
361U: Purple hair girl that lived on a moon
I am looking for a children’s book that I used when I was an elementary school counselor. It was about a red king and a blue king that fought over who was better, the red-haired people or the blue-haired people. A little girl that lived there revealed at the end her purple hair. I remember she kept it covered with a hood, and I think had a strange name (that may have been the title). I have been trying to find the name of the book for so long and I have no idea what happened to my copy. Thank you so much for the help!
361T: Jasper the music stealer
This is a 1970s children’s book featuring a kind of hippie spy/hero who (may have) flown around on a magic cloud and had a base (?) in the Himalayas. He had an enemy called Jasper, who stole (all of the) music.
I heard this as an audio book on a cassette (where I recall a song with the words ‘Jasper, Jasper, where has all the music gone?’)