363M: Quaker seamstress in Philadelphia during American revolutionary war (Solved!)

Cheryl Hill, chill4hhorse@comcast.net[/private[

I am looking for a book I read as a teen and young adult in the late 1960s and early 1970s.  I recall finding it at my local library and I believe the author’s last name began with the letter A.  The story was historical fiction and the main character was a seamstress in Philadelphia during the revolutionary war.  She was a member of the Quaker religion and her fiancé fought with George Washington.  She worked in the home of Peggy Shippen’s family and was able to overhear some of the plans made by Benedict Arnold and his wife.

6 thoughts on “363M: Quaker seamstress in Philadelphia during American revolutionary war (Solved!)

  1. Deborah

    This book is definitely A Touch of Magic by Betty Cavanna. Quaker seamstress and Benedict Arnold, the Shippen Family–it’s all there.

  2. Cheryl Hill

    Thank you all for responding. It was definitely “A Touch of Magic” by Betty Cavanna. I have purchased the book and am currently reading it again after about 40+ years. Thank you very much.


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