Category Archives: 1940s
336H: A unique, darkly humorous children’s picture book
334V: Mystery series probably published 1940-1970 (Solved!)
I do not know the name of any of the books in the series, but I can describe at least one of the covers. Our library had 4 books but there may have been more. All of the books had a deep purple cover. One had a mansion or haunted house on top of a hill or cliff. For some reason murder mansion, Whispering Hill, sticks in my head. I believe there were 2 or 3 kids and one had an odd name. Definitely not the more prolific series, Three Investigators, Hardy Boys, etc. The books were hardcover and not very thick, 70-80 pages and meant for grades 3-6. I hope you can find the series I am looking for.
334N: Lutie Doesn’t Want To Go To School (Solved!)
Looking for a book about a little boy named Lutie (or Luttie) who lived in the country and put up a big fuss about having to go to school. Probably published in the 1940's or 1950's. I had a lot of drawings.
334G: Boys Recover Sunk Sailboat
I am looking for a YA or children’s book from 40's era. Two boys find a sailboat which has sunk next to a dock. They somehow recover the old boat and rebuild it. This is a book my 84 year old dad read and loved as a child.
332K: New System – Girl Comes of Age Prior to World War II
The book I am trying to find is called: “NEW SYSTEM”. The main character’s name is PAGE (not sure of spelling)
It was published in the 1930’s or early 40’s – it’s WWII, or before America enters the war- but nothing is mentioned of the war at all so it might be before it starts in Europe.
It’s a girl’s coming of age story, pre-WWII. She gets a newfangled “perm”. She is an artist. Her brother gets engaged, and she helps her family put on a bridal shower.
She has a sharkskin bathing suit. She just graduated from high school and is deciding on college. She is trying to get organized and has a journal, and is writing about her “New System” of organizing her life.
No idea who the author is. Picture on the book jacket is a girl’s face with 1930’s -40’s hair style.
I had this book when I was about 12- loved it.
331L: War Kids Seek Treasure
The book I am trying to identify was written over 60 years ago, and it features a group of children ages five or so through 14, or thereabouts. They have been sent to the country because of the Second World War, and they become convinced there is lost treasure in the vicinity. The only scene I remember takes place in church. The younger kids are shocked and scandalized during the service as the collection basket enters their pew. The eldest, instead of putting a coin in, pulls one out! This is their first real clue. The coin turns out to be a genuine gold doubloon. The eldest boy may have been named Emil. Do you know which book this is?
331E: Red Wagon, Romani Adventure Novel
When I was a young girl in the 70s, there was a chapter book that my mother used to read to me. This book stayed at my great grandmothers home, and we would read it when we visited. It was probably written for young adults. I think it was written before the 30’s or 40’s. All I can remember is the story was about this gypsy girl’s adventures. I remember a picture of a Romani style wagon, and the color red. I loved it, but can’t recall the title or the plot. Please help. I would love to revisit this book.
330X: Wealthy Uncle Watches Orphaned Siblings Take Care Of Elderly Stockman “Uncle”
330S: Boy Bitten By Burro, Burro Arrested
My grandmother used to read to me an illustrated children's book - hardback- small book - (about the size of Peter Rabbit). The plot was about a little boy who tried to give a cute burro a carrot but he got bitten by accident. The police came and arrested the burro. She read it to me in the early 1960’s but the book seemed pretty old. It may have been from the 1930-1940 time period. I want to read it to my grandsons! Thank you!