I found this book in the used bookstore when I was in middle school (1984).
Category Archives: 1950s
338S: Chad’s Quest to Find Home
A book was read aloud to my second grade class in 1955. The book was as I recall about a boy named CHAD ??? who was lost and was on a quest with the help of others along the way to find his home (I think he was from a wealthy or royal family). After a series of adventures he did indeed make it home. The only adventure I think that I remember (60 years ago) he and his pals came upon a remote steep canyon the floor of which was littered with precious stones. They threw raw meat into the canyon and buzzards picked up the meat – they ate the meat on the ground level and left the stones for Chad and his pals . I know this is vague and may not be very reliable but perhaps you can find the book title. It is funny the things that dwell in the memories of childhood. The story was a great adventure for the class of 2nd graders.
338N: Book of Marys (Solved!)
I am looking for a young adult book, dating back to the mid 1930s, with 12 chapters. Each chapter is devoted to a famous woman named Mary–Mary Queen of Scots, Mary Tudor (Bloody Mary), Mary Lyon and 9 others. The cloth bound volume was blue.
338M: YA fiction Ruby Cross of Acapulco (Solved!)
338G: WWII Bookmobile (Solved!)
This is a YA book. A recent library school graduate (or Lib. School student doing internship) wants to work in big public library but is assigned to rural bookmobile. Set during WWII. Published: 1950-1980s??
338D: Childhood Series – Encyclopedias?
I attended Plat Elementary School in Colgate, WI and as a child in the 1st-4th grades I recall going to the tiny school’s library and viewing a series of books – larger hard cover books – almost set up like an encyclopedia series. In one book there was a story featuring a giant eagle (possibly a thunderbird) carrying a little girl away on a mountain (or wilderness path of sorts). She had a gold dress on and wore pigtails. She was reaching out in the air in panic and there was a gentleman who was running after her in the background – I believe he had a green cap on and possibly suspenders – I thought he was German or Bavarian or from Europe (possibly the Canadian thunderbird story). The graphics looked very 50s – full color. In one of the other books of the series, there was a story about a tribe from Africa and they were showing them with spears defending against a giant and wild baboon with his mouth wide open attacking the men. They were carrying shields as well and this was also in full color.
That’s all I remember but wish I knew what this series was. Any help you can offer is greatly appreciated.
337J: Cowboys and Indians in England
The book I’m looking for was a children’s book probably published in the 1950s, although possibly going to back to the ’20s or so (no later than the early 1960s and I’m pretty sure it belonged to one of my parents when they were children, both born in 1949). I believe it took place somewhere in England or in Europe. Our copy did not have the dust jacket so I don’t know what was on the cover other than it was a green hardback. The most distinctive feature was a neighborhood map on the inside cover, probably in orange.
336T: British children’s book (Solved!)
I read it in the early 1970's and I guess it was a 1950's book. Four children without their parents go to live with an older male relative (NOT Narnia!!). They arrive on a dark night to a dark house and the oldest girl has to cook their meals.
336H: A unique, darkly humorous children’s picture book
336C: Girl Plays In Orchard
I’m looking for a children’s book from the 1950’s about a girl, probably 8 or 9 years old. The memorable thing for me is the picture of her outside playing in a yard or orchard and the trees have benches built around them. It’s all I can remember but somehow important to me to learn the name of the book. It was a favorite of mine as a child.