Category Archives: 1950s

345J: Young Girl Decries Dangers of Reading When Chased by a Bull

Read this book when I was around 8, which puts it at 1960.  I am sure it was not new at that time.

Written by someone like Thurber or Ogden Nash, it was a collection of children’s short stories.  The only one that I can remember clearly was about a little girl who couldn’t read. At the end, when she is being chased by a bull, she comes to the conclusion that reading (words?) are dangerous.  The sign she couldn’t read said something  like, ‘beware of  bull.’

Hoping you can help me.

344K: Love Stories Around the World

Daughter of the Sun (I thought) was the title.

The book was given by my great grandmother to my mother. My mother is now 60 for reference.
The book was bound in a green fabric with gold accents.
The book was three separate love stories in one book .
Story 1
The first story was Daughter of a Sun. Main characters name is Charlie (Charlotte).  Charlie’s father disappears in the mountains and she ends up backpacking with a former student of her fathers through the mountains to solve the mysterious disappearance of her father. They end up finding her father who lives with a lost civilization. Takes place in South America.
Story 2  
Woman is an antiques appraiser and falls in love with an engaged client and helps the family find the missing will – that I believe was hidden in a door stop. Takes place in Europe.
Story 3
Gill has arranged marriage with one brother (I think his name starts with an F) and falls in love with the other brother. She fell asleep in the wrong limo and ended up at a castle-like estate. The man she loves did a business merger with her grandfather. Lover calls her mouse. There is a problem with a landslide. Additionally, he is a race car driver. Takes place in Italy
This is the most important book I ever read because it came from my great grandmother. I have no idea who wrote it or if it is even possible to find. I would be humbled by any help.

344I: Teen Romance From the 50’s or 60’s

Looking for a book I read as a young teen.  Early 1970’s, I expect it was written in the later 1950’s or 60’s.

The book was a young adult high school romance. I remember nothing except the girl was not one of the popular girls (she may have been new in school) and her name in the book is Beth (could have been Elizabeth but she was called Beth).  The boy in the story line was the popular boy in school.

Outside of Little Women, the name Beth was not one found often in books and since it is my name the basic story stuck with me.

344H: Cool Kids Book About Southern US During British Rule

I’m looking for a childhood book that was my favorite:

1. Children’s book
2. Takes place when the British were in charge of America
3. Takes place in southern USA
4. General plot is a boy travels south through the swamps of Georgia and Florida. He ends up in New Orleans (?) in the office of a British officer who holds a scented/perfumed handkerchief over his nose because of the stench from the boy (and others?).
4. It was a grey hardback, typical of good quality children’s books in the 50’s & 60’s. It may have had red highlights or bands.

344C: YA novel from 1960s; English girl fall in woods and breaks leg

I am looking for a chapter book or YA novel I read in third grade in 1971-72. I believe it would have been published in the 1960s or between 1970-71 but it could also have been in 1950s.

It was about a girl in England who lived with her mother and no father. They lived in a flat, which was the first time I had encountered that word. The only thing I can distinctly remember was that the girl was hiking in the woods, alone, I believe, and fell and broke her leg and then had to figure out how to get help.

343Z: Minda the Little Indian Girl

I’m searching for an old child’s book about a little Indian girl named Minda. My father bought it used in the 1950s. It was a child’s reader and I remember very colorful. We lived in Ohio and my father had a store where he sold things, like thrift stores today. He was so excited to find it for me. My fathers mother passed away when he was 9 in 1928 her name was Minda. I was named after her. I was always told she was Indian. I think Cherokee. My mother passed away when I was 17 in 1969. I never knew what happened to my book. I’ve searched many years now. Of course both parents are gone. I don’t know the name of the book. I never knew anyone else named Minda but I know there are. I’m hoping you can help me. Thank you.

343B: Shrunk Boy Rides Seagull and Saves World

The Rough Plot:

A boy inexplicably starts shrinking.  When he is about 6 inches tall he befriends a Seagull, who takes him for a flight.  The boy’s father is an inventor and makes a cockpit that fits on the Seagull’s back.  A mysterious person from the Government comes to visit and asks the boy to ride his Seagull around the world and deposit a bomb-pill down the chimney of an evil person’s factory to destroy the bomb he is making and save the world.  He does it and then is blown far away by the resulting explosion, but the Seagull eventually returns him home to re-unite with his Father.

This book was well illustrated with realistic pen and ink drawings.

It was a Hardcover book.  I probably read it between 1948 and 1954.

342Q: Vintage Picture Book Featuring the Ocean

Vintage Picture Book (from 50s, 60’s, or 70s), not very thick, stapled, maybe 10 – 12 pages, not a lot of printed text. Watercolor, realistic illustrations

What I remember about the story: A boy spends a lot of time snorkeling, he sees all kinds of fish and turtles, and he finds a shipwreck and a shark shows up (scary) but he escapes and finds a treasure.

I remember the following illustrations:

  1. Sea stars on a sandy ocean floor, the sunlight is shining through the water onto the ocean floor
  2. A sea turtle swims and again the sunlight coming through the water
  3. A two page illustration showing the boy on the left top looking down on the shipwreck, again the light plays through the water

The illustrations were realistic and what stood out was the light portrayed underwater.