Category Archives: 1950s

341X: Boy Attends Cinderella’s Ball In A Dream

The book I am searching for was a children’s chapter book that I read in the 1950s. 
The story was a retelling of the Cinderella story from the point of view of a young boy (Teddy?) who makes his way into the palace where they are getting ready for the ball.  He and the rather silly king get in the way of the queen. They go on to have an adventure that at one point involves a mound of butter and buttons (pictured in what I remember as a pen & ink illustration). At some point the boy unlocks the palace gate with a small key. I believe it is indicated at either the beginning or end that the story is the boy’s dream – perhaps he dozed off while reading the fairy tale?
It had, of course, the ubiquitous blue cover. I think it was a hardback about 6”x8” but memory may be failing me. 
My childhood copy was destroyed years ago and I would love to read the book again.

341L: Little girl’s doll makeover at her father’s Doll Hospital (Solved!)

Looking for a child's fiction/picture book circa 1950's-1960's, maybe even 1940's -Hardcover - Colored pictures drawn like doll wigs of different colors, new clothes in tissue paper, clothes accessories, etc. Pictures are not 'cartoony'; more true to life.

Story: Little girl has been asking her father to fix her doll but he has been too busy at his shop. Finally, on the little girl's birthday, he closes his doll hospital early and dedicates the rest of the day to fixing up her beloved doll with new eyes, face and clothes that she gets to pick out all by herself.

341J: A Family’s Year of American Adventures

I am looking for a book my uncle read while in 4th or 5th grade in the 1950’s. His teacher had assigned it to the entire class to read as a project. Some key points he remembers are a family pulled their children out of school for the year to travel the United States to experience new places and adventures. They went to a desert, they starred in a Hollywood movie, he also remembers something about birds – sparrow specifically – being in the book. He thinks there was a car on the cover, possibly pulling a trailer behind it.

Please help if you can, I would love to give him this book as a Father’s Day gift and he recently celebrated his 75th birthday too.

341F: Human Sterilization for Health Care

It's not a children's book. I probably read this book 20 years ago and it was not a new book then. I'm guessing it was written some time between the 40s and 60s, but that's just a guess. The book takes place in a society where there have been lots of treatments for genetic diseases, so people who used to die before child-bearing age weren't, passing the diseases along, and health of the population was therefore less robust. (Plus possibly the cost of treatment.) So people were only allowed to get medical treatments, vaccinations, etc. if they were sterilized. I seem to recall people living in a sort of health-care ghetto and many people being anti-health care.

340X: Fun With A Doctor’s Mother And A Quaker Mother

This book was written for young women, maybe 10 years old, and written in the late 50’s or maybe early 60’s.  For whatever reason, the words How Many Miles to Babylon has always been in my mind, but I know that book and this isn’t it.  The young girl has a doctor who is a hard-working doctor in a hospital, the mother is a “doctor’s wife” — very lively and fun and I think there is a sibling, maybe a little boy.  There is also the woman’s grandfather who I remember as a little stuffy and patrician.  The girl has a friend who is Quaker and has a mother who is a widow, I’m assuming.  They live alone together.  I remember wonderful details.  The Quaker mother makes lunch and asks the girls to set the table and they pick the blue dishes because they look so pretty against the raspberries.  The doctor’s wife mother picks her daughter up and says they are going on a road trip and I think that the sibling will stay with Granny.  Then they drive to the hospital and grab the husband because he needs a road trip!  The mother drives and the father and daughter laugh because she says rude things to the rest of the drivers.  She’s pretty hip.  I remember they stop at a roadside motel with cottages and the mother tells her to wear her bathing slippers in the shower because who knows!  The last thing I remember is lobster.  They have some kind of wonderful lobster.

I think they are in Philadelphia, or maybe Main Line suburban Philadelphia, but the only reason I think that is that the friend is Quaker.  That’s it!  The book I remember as illustrated but maybe it was just my imagination.  Thanks for anything you can find.

340W: Tiny Girl Flies On Cockroach

My mom is looking for a book from her childhood.

We do not know the title. She remembers reading it when she was in 4th or 5th grade, so it might be from the late 50’s early 60’s.
It’s a hardback around 20 pages and there were pictures and words on each page (half and half). The story is about a tiny girl (elf size) possibly with black hair; it could be set in Paris, she does remember the Eiffel Tower. The tiny girl is poor and befriends a cockroach. The cockroach gives her rides throughout the area, there is a pin on the cockroach…sort of like the pole on a carousel horse…for the girl to hold onto. She also rides in the sky in a walnut shell attached to a red balloon.
This is NOT Thumbelina.
Good luck!

339U: Boy Celebrates Birthday With Circus Performer Parents

"Put away that donkey's tail. . . " 1950s? book about a boy whose parents are circus performers. He likes to wear a false donkey's tail. He tied a balloon to it and it popped. Then all the circus performers gathered 'round while his Mum served him his birthday cake. Red outline illustrations. Please find this for me!! Thank you!!

339S: The Story of How the Easter Bunny Delivers Eggs

I don’t know the title, but it is a collection of children’s stories and fairy tales which my twin and I read in the mid 50s.

Key Words:  Easter Bunny, how eggs were painted and delivered.

My twin and I remember a children’s book with beautiful illustrations. This included the
story of how the Easter bunny would deliver eggs.  The illustration had a standing rabbit
with a large basket attached like a big backpack.

Thanks for any help!