Category Archives: 1960s
338G: WWII Bookmobile (Solved!)
This is a YA book. A recent library school graduate (or Lib. School student doing internship) wants to work in big public library but is assigned to rural bookmobile. Set during WWII. Published: 1950-1980s??
337U: Young cat fights the ocean (Solved!)
A tiger or lion cub fights the ocean and makes it retreat, but it was only the tide going out. This might be a folktale or fable in a child's anthology or scholastic services book circa 1965-69. Young protagonist may have had elevated opinion of self.
337J: Cowboys and Indians in England
The book I’m looking for was a children’s book probably published in the 1950s, although possibly going to back to the ’20s or so (no later than the early 1960s and I’m pretty sure it belonged to one of my parents when they were children, both born in 1949). I believe it took place somewhere in England or in Europe. Our copy did not have the dust jacket so I don’t know what was on the cover other than it was a green hardback. The most distinctive feature was a neighborhood map on the inside cover, probably in orange.
337I: Suki Steps on Snake
337G: Fear of Being Crushed in the Crowd was Unfounded
Please help me. This is driving me crazy. I believe this book was written in the 60’s, possibly.
Around 1980 I read a book in middle school English class about a boy who lived in a large city but no one was allowed to go outside for fear of being crushed. Everyone had a tv/internet-like machine in their home where they ordered things and they were sent into the home via a chute.
There were warnings from the “government” via tv to stay inside or they would be crushed by the mass of people on the streets outside.
The boy decided to go outside and found there was actually no one on the streets at all.
336B: Lion Has Feathers
I’m looking for a children’s book from the 1960’s or possibly very early ’70s. It is NOT “Lion” by William Pene Du Bois. The story was a lion who wanted to look different, and there was one particular illustration where he had feathers all over. The illustrations had very limited colors. I think in the end the lion decided that feathers were not for him, and went back to his original fur.
335J: Child May Be A Changeling
This is a picture book, not a chapter book, read in 1964/1965 from a grade 3 classroom.
My memory of it may be faulty as I was 8 when I read it.
Girl is unhappy in her village and a misfit; one of the pictures shows her running with dark hair streaming behind her. I remember the illustrations as being dark but beautiful, and the implication was that that the girl was a changeling.
Not “The White Ring” or “The Moorchild”.
335F: 60’s Oversized Children’s Book (Solved!)
I’m looking for an oversized 60’s-70’s children’s book. I believe it was called “The BIG Book of Cars, Trucks, Planes” etc. I also think it had illustrations of military stuff. Like I said, it was oversized, and had lots of illustrations on the cover and inside the book itself.
335E: 1960’s children’s poetry book
Large light blue hardcover (8"x10"?) with a child sitting in a field with a fairy on a mushroom on the front cover. The only poem I remember had the line "If you never talked with fairies. . . . ". May have also had the "Mr. Nobody" poem in it.