Category Archives: 1980s

354P: A Girl Discovering Interesting Things in the Woods

I don’t know the title, but this is my memory of it. I grew up as a kid in the 1990s, so it would be from around then or earlier. I think it was probably made in the 1980s or 1990s, but I could be wrong. My memory of the artwork is watercolors.
Synopsis: Girl goes out for a walk in the forest. I think she brings sandwiches with her (possibly peanut butter)? She might also have had a thermos to drink something. She goes and picks berries and puts them in a glass jar she has with her. I think she ends up eating all the berries and instead fills the jar with tadpoles. Not sure if I am remembering the tadpole part correctly. It could be that she sees tadpoles in the brook in the forest. My memory is that nothing extraordinary (no adventure) happens. It’s just the girl with her thoughts and discovering interesting things in the woods. My memory of the illustrations is lush and detailed and more sophisticated.
Sorry to be so vague, but this is as good as I got! Thanks so much for your help!

354O: Blue Jay Book With Sound Effect

The book I’m looking for was a children’s book my grandmother had in her home before it had burned down years ago. The only things I truly remember is that it was about a Blue Jay and I’m pretty sure it had a speaker in it that would chirp at you like a Blue Jay. I may not recall much, but I hope to recognize it if I see it.
It was more than likely a book leftover from one of my cousins born between 1980 and 1996. And I want to say that speaker was yellow for some reason, but that could be wrong.
Thank you so much in advance!!

354J: Children’s book about woman who thinks her daily routine doesn’t matter

I used to read a book to the children I took care of and I believe it was their father’s book growing up, so I believe it’s at least 40 years old? Maybe older. It was about a woman who lived in an apartment alone and had the same routine every day. The only specific thing I can remember is that she let her tea kettle boil for 1 or 2 minutes before she took it off the stove. She also maybe listened to the radio and opened the window? She doesn’t think her life has any impact on anyone so one day she doesn’t do her routine and many people show up at her door to tell her how their day was thrown off because she didn’t do the things she normally did (ie a neighbour would wake up to the sound of her boiling kettle etc). I think the title of the book had the main character’s name in it?

354G: Children’s Book Featuring Cute Characters Including Green Monster

I do not remember title but remember characters and some details from this book. It was a children’s book I loved reading when I was little and I was born in 1983.

I vividly remember what the characters looked like in illustrations - adorable soft illustrations. The characters had big eyes (not Precious Moments but similar in cuteness factor).

The book I want had a little girl with dark hair (black or brown) and had red poppies, plus a cute green monster that I think liked to eat cookies but I feel had a Loch Ness monster type feel and maybe lived in a lake.

I’ve done searches trying to find the cover of the book but haven’t seen what I’m looking for. Hope you guys can help me.

354D: YA mystery on a farmhouse/orchard? with a secret passage part of the underground railroad

It may have been published in 1980s/early 1990s, maybe on a Scholastic list, set in the 1800s, a boy visits his ?aunt/uncle one summer, on a farm or apple orchard in New England (maybe Pennsylvania). There is a secret passage used for the underground railroad that is discovered by the boy in the house he is staying at, near the end of the book, when someone is hidden there. Someone may have gotten shot near the end of the book. Boy felt aunt/uncle he was staying with were strict and had a strained relationship with them until their aid to this person near the end of the book changes this. Can't recall the title, but it was long-ish. Cover may have had farmhouse/farm landscape.

354B: Crocus Walk

This children’s book is about a mother and daughter who take a walk outside and look at different things on their walk. In particular, I remember that they looked at crocuses. The book was a large hardback book with a matte white cover. The illustrations were pastel colored, maybe using colored pencils. I remember that in at least one illustration the mother and daughter were holding hands. It was probably written around 1985 or a bit earlier, because I remember reading it with my mother when I was five or so. That’s all I can remember. Hopefully there are enough clues!

354A: Dog who can drive and lives in a mansion

When I was young (likely about 5-9 in 1987-1991) my mom would often read me a hardcover kids book about a dog who wanted to live like a human. He could drive a car and he lived in a mansion.

The cover was a turquoise-shade and on the cover was the dog and the mansion he lived in. It was the size and shape of a Doctor Seuss book and about a similar number of pages.

Likely relevant: we lived in Nova Scotia, Canada and the book was in English.

353W: Hoaxes and Frauds Collection for Kids

I am looking for a book I got in a school book order around 1978-1983, either Scholastic or the other one (Troll, was it?) It was a collection of short accounts of historical hoaxes, like the Piltdown Man, the Cardiff Giant, the War of the Worlds radio broadcast, the New York Sun reports of life on the moon — I think it even had Howard Hughes’s autobiography. I have searched library catalogs and Ebay for “Hoaxes and Frauds,” but I see a book that is far too recent for me to have bought it in elementary school.

353R: Paintings With Riddles (Solved!)

Seeking an illustrated children's book (probably paintings) with a slew of riddles on one page and an accompanying painting containing the answers to those riddles. Likely published late 70s or 80s, no later. Somewhere in the book is a picture of a Raven and some thread. The last illustration features a horse. Not Animalia, but possibly inspired by it. Book is on the larger side, dimensionally. Thank you.