Category Archives: YA (grades 7-9)
349J: Strange Spaceship Builder in the Backyard
The book I cannot remember is from late grade school or Junior high (7th grade). It was a spaceship, I think in the backyard with a strange builder or helper to the kids building or traveling on it.
347Z: YA/Juvenile nonfiction book about world issues, spiral bound, came with a bag of real rice!
I’m looking for a YA/Juvenile nonfiction book about world issues that I read in the 1990s. It was spiral bound, full colour, maybe 5×8, and came with two zippered pouches of real rice at the back. The rice was part of a world-hunger learning activity in the book, where the reader spun a spinner…
347X: Boy Coming of Age and Associates with Canada Geese
347G: Children’s novels about Ancient Egypt – Akhenaten
There are two or three novels (more like junior high/high school novels - called YA today) in a series. All about Akhenaten and his decision to worship the one god, Aten. He and Nefertiti had several daughters, one named Merriaten? Tutankhamen, who began life as Tutankhaten, was also in the later novels. Very romanticized. No plural marriage mentioned.
346N: Old TV’s with many antennae that float!
345U: Virgin Islands young adult mystery (Solved!)
345P: YA book where kids get gills cut in their necks and go underwater
A group of kids, maybe a girl and her younger siblings, are surviving on their own. They meet a boy on the beach, who cuts gills into their necks somehow, and they go swim in the ocean and visit a deep and dangerous chasm at one point. Mermaids may or may not be involved. They leave the water in the end. The cover is blue with a picture of them swimming; the art wraps around the front and back, though it was probably a paperback. YA Pre-2000. Eerie feel.