Category Archives: YA (grades 7-9)
339Y: YA Girl falls in love with military guy
339W: Woman Discovers Husband’s Ship’s Mast In The Eye Of A Hurricane
339P: A Girl, An English Boy, And Plaits
Looking for a children's/middle school age book from 1960s about a girl. A boy from England moves in next door. I think the setting is rural/farm community. She likes the way the boy says bath (baahth). For a special occasion she "plaits" her hair more loosely than usual so the plaits will lie flat when she wraps them around her head or pins them up. She leans over kettle/ pot of steam to create tendrils. That's all I can remember. My mom got it for me from the local public library in Chicago.
339E: Hordes of Trolls during the End Times
I read this book in the 90s at the latest so it’s not new. It was an end of time book, at least YA if not adult. Several things happened in the first chapter but I remember it saying a woman was putting laundry on a line outside and gnomes or trolls came running down the mountain in hordes. They were described as being in a color she had never seen before but could only be described as fear? I’m not sure the wording but something to that point.
Sorry that’s all I remember. It drives me insane looking for it. Hope you can help!
338Z: Witches and a Magic Stone
A young girl spends the summer with her Aunt Margaret (sometimes called Meg). The young girl finds an unusual stone that unknowingly to her, belongs to a forgetful witch named Lanie, who needs the stone in order to be able to fly. The witches come back looking for the stone, but the young girl has hidden it. Most of the book is about their efforts to get the stone back. At the end of the story, the young girl discovers her Aunt is actually the queen of or head of those same witches and in fact, is herself a witch and she has a pet black cat as her familiar. This is a young adult chapter book with pictures that I read in the 70’s.
338Y: Infant alone on an island
An infant survives a shipwreck and ends up on an island where he lives alone for a few years. Not certain what age he is when some people (grandfather maybe) come searching for him, but not being accustomed to people, he hides from them. The book makes a point of mentioning that the boy’s hair is very blond to almost white. I remember this was a very tiny book size-wise; smaller than the average book at the time. It was a library book from the young adult/children’s section and I read it in the late 60’s early 70’s.
338R: Young adult, San Francisco, Russian cosmonaut
338G: WWII Bookmobile (Solved!)
This is a YA book. A recent library school graduate (or Lib. School student doing internship) wants to work in big public library but is assigned to rural bookmobile. Set during WWII. Published: 1950-1980s??