Hi there! I’m seeking Stump the Bookseller’s help in finding a lost book from my childhood. It was about a white, blobby creature that came down to the earth from the moon and had adventures. This book was available in the Huntingdon Valley Public library in the Philadelphia area in the 90s (I’ve looked there and asked the librarians without success) but I’m sure it was not self-published. It was a picture book or perhaps an early-reader chapter book (I believe it was portrait orientation) and I think it was part of a series. It was illustrated–if not fully illustrated–on the interior. It was not new in the 90s–it had a slightly vintage feel–perhaps 60s, 70s, or 80s. The art style was graphic and cartoony–more akin to the Space Case books by Edward Marshall than something illustrative like Moornhorse by Mary Pope Osborne (and no, it’s not either of these–It’s also not Moon Man by Tomi Ungerer, the Matthew Looney series, or Dmitri the Astronaut by Jon Agee.) There were themes of loneliness–perhaps the moon creature came down to earth to make friends? It’s possible he was not from the moon but rather a different planet. I believe the background color of the cover was black. It’s possible that this unsolved query is describing the same book: http://w1.loganberrybooks.com/stumpthebookseller/145x-moon-creatures/. [EDIT: I now believe this is a book in the Moonbird series called The Unicorn and Witch. I don’t think it’s the book I’m looking for, though.] My mom remembers the moon creature as having had a pear-shaped body, maybe a bit of neck, and then an oval or round head, whereas I more clearly remember a white horse or perhaps unicorn. There could have been a little boy protagonist too, but I don’t remember clearly.
Category Archives: 1980s
377K: Picture Book: A Man’s Heart is Hidden in a Fish
Story Description – It was a classic fairy tale situation. There is a young woman, the heroine, and the man she loved (one or both of them might have been a prince or princess, but I don’t remember). An evil wizard/sorcerer hides the heart of the man in a fish. To save her lover, the heroine must pick out the fish that has his heart from a river full of fish. She does so successfully and the fish is cut open to reveal the heart.
Physical Book Description – It was a children’s picture book with loose whimsical illustrations featuring elongated characters. Blues and reds were heavily incorporated colors. I remember it being in a vertical format, taller than it was wide. There was a full-spread illustration of dozens of fish along the bottom of the spread and the heroine above. One of the fish has the man’s heart in it.
Background – I remember checking this book out of my elementary school library in first or second grade in the early 2000s so it was probably published in the 90s, maybe even 80s. I’ve tried searching for the book on and off for the last 5 years or so with no luck.
377D: Older Children’s Book Set in Charleston, SC
I know this is a long shot- but i don’t know where else to turn. There was a children’s book written about a brother and sister who found arrowheads on either the wappoo bridge or the bridge going to folly. As you can tell it was written in the Charleston area. I had checked the book out from the old Charleston Library when visiting with my grandmother one summer- it had to have been in the early 80’s, but I feel like the story took place in the 50’s (not sure), but I loved the book. I just wish i could remember its name. If anyone can help i would be extremely thankful.
376W: Vampire Tosca
I’m looking for a vampire novel published between 1970-1989.
The plot revolves around a vampire who runs some kind of sleep disorder/research clinic on a college campus and uses that to cover for feeding (not enough to damage the subject). There is a detective, I think named Tosca, after the opera, who figures it out and confronts the vampire, who is a good guy. They maybe join forces to combat another vampire? There is a sequel, where the main character has moved to the southwest. Help, please!
376V: Book full of music
I have neither the title nor publisher, but expect the copyright was 83 or 84.
The book had titles, lists of composers and performers, lyrics, melodies, bass lines, accompaniment voices, and chord specifications (such as chords suspended with their fourth, dominant seventh chords, and polychords such as F/C).
The table of contents included the following:Elton John: Empty Garden/Hey Hey Johnny, I Guess That I Why They Call Itthe Blues, Sad Songs Say So MuchHall and Oats: Man EaterDuran Duran: The Reflex, maybe New Moon on MondayCyndie Lauper: Time After TimeThe Police: Every Breath You TakeUnknown: You Don’t Bring Me FlowersSondheim?: Send in the Clowns
There were on the order of 25 songs in the book.
Note that this book came out and was bought along with Rush Complete which has a 1983 copyright probably by my Mother, Marjorie Belle Miller-Harris, in 1983 or 1984 from Jack’s House of Music in Sacramento, Ca, a business which has since gone out of business.https://www.thriftbooks.com/w/rush-complete-volume-1/9642330/vintage/?vid=728149246&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=shopping_everything_else_customer_acquisition&utm_adgroup=&utm_term=&utm_content=593719077582&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwsoe5BhDiARIsAOXVoUsx7_YXGNRFwPgXfS9MSFJODtq7VudDQyXeuSa4GHAt9WRrfWYeq5waAhF5EALw_wcB
376Q: In Search of the Amulet (Solved!)
I’m hoping you can find my book….I really don’t want you to be stumped 🙂
(I think) the title is ‘In search of the amulet’
(I think) the author’s first name is Susan, and that she is English.
The book is likely to have been written in the ’70s or’80s, but I’m not certain.
Its a non-fiction story of her solo travels across Afghanistan and Turkmenistan (and other places) in an attempt to find the origins and meaning of the common fringed triangle symbol (amulet).
376P: Potion makes you beautiful outside, ugly inside
I would like to find a children’s picture book checked out from library in the early 90’s (most likely published then but possibly in 80’s), about a woman who was ugly/plain and wanted to be beautiful so the prince would marry her. A little old man with a raisin looking face peddled her a potion but told her only to take it sparingly and it would make her pretty. She did and then got vain and took it all, and became beautiful but ugly on the inside. She was mean to the raisin face man and I think he turned out to be the prince under a curse and she didn’t end up with him after all. Was a colorful picture book.
Not the book titled Sleeping Ugly.
376N: Magical Silversmith (Solved!)
Looking for 1950’s or 60’s fantasy young adult books about a magical silver smith in Massachusetts who can time travel and shape shift and enables a young boy to share his adventures. Author might be Lawson or Dawson. I have tried the Library of Congress listings of books without success. The books were available in the San Marino, CA public library into the 1970s or 1980s.
Additional story elements:
The silversmith was an adult during the American revolution. Story elements involve turning into various animals and birds, pirates and participation in the revolution
376M: New Girl Teen Love Triangle (Solved!)
The book revolved around three high school kids in a small town, two boys and a girl. I think the girl had recently moved to town, possibly from down south somewhere, and had befriended the two boys. One of the boys I remember being more awkward and emotional than the other. They have a spot in the woods that they meet up. Both boys fall for the girl, and eventually the girl falls for the not-awkward boy. Awkward boy catches other boy and girl either dancing or kissing in the school gym, and reacts badly. Girl goes to the special spot in the woods and finds that awkward-boy has hung himself. Possibly an 80’s Avon Camelot book.
376L: Spooky 90s picture book w/ Ichabod Crane vibes
My younger brother and I used to regularly borrow this spooky picture book in early-mid 90s (could also be from the 80s). I remember rich illustrations and a main character with an Ichabod Crane nervousness about him. Can’t remember any of the plot except that at the climax of the book he is in a dark church and he believes there are ghosts all around. My brother’s memory is that the main character was an organist/pianist and that another character dresses up as a ghost and chases him off. I don’t *think* this is a version of Sleepy Hollow. But given how vague my memory is, anything is possible. Even if it is, I would love to figure out which version it is specifically. My brother and I have been trying to figure this out for years.