I saw an ebook that had a woman in pigtails at a bar on the cover. She looked alternative and edgy. The book was a paranormal romance or urban fantasy. The woman is a mutt. A mix of different shifters with no special powers. The back cover blurb called her a mutt. She works in a bar. The setting was mentioned on the back cover. A dragon comes in and becomes obsessed with her. She can’t figure out why she’s nothing special in their world. I can’t remember the author or title. But the tone had a bit of humor and I went to click on it later and couldn’t find the ad and link. I really want to read this book. It sounded fun.
369R: Steam locomotive explodes when boy covers steam pipe with bandana
I’m trying to track down an illustrated children’s book, here’s what I remember from the story:
– The story is about a steam locomotive operator (a boy or young man)
– At some point, he wants to either eat lunch or take a nap near the train
– However, he is bothered by the noise of the steam coming out of the train
– To solve this, he puts something over the steam valve (I’m pretty sure it’s either a lunch bag or a hat/bandana)
– This blocks the steam from escaping from the train and causes it to explode
– I’m pretty sure the book mentions nobody could find him (maybe they find his hat or some article of clothing?)
369Q: Bloody paintings and maybe an orphan
So about 10 to 12 years ago there was a book that was very popular in charity shops in the UK that I want to reread again. A summary of what I remember:
– This guy found(?) a load of art that was quite cryptic and had lots of pieces all with a number on (maybe in an old house/ attic)
– All the artwork fit together into one massive piece and this was a key discovery in the book (I think there were thousands of pieces and they all were numbered)
– It involved a children’s home/ orphanage; I think the painter was found to be painting out his childhood trauma
– Some of it was painted in blood (you found this out later)
– A policewoman was involved as the love interest and they slept together after her mum/ dad’s funeral
– I think it jumped between the present day and the past quite a lot with it all tying together in the end; i think the main character was the painter/ murderer’s sibling(?)
– The cover design was a lot like ‘the interpretation of murder’ (not sure if I can link here but the yellow-ish cover on google images)
– It may be quite a shit book as that is what I enjoyed reading at the time
369P: Overconsumption
I am looking for a children’s book I read in class as a kid. 1974-1977 I remember it had a big gold award seal on the cover. About a society that the people replaced household pieces every day. Specifically I remember plumbing pipes being replaced and then a landfill was piled high with all this junk that had only been used one day.
369O: The Wheel of Time (Solved!)
The book I am looking for is a young adult novel published sometime before 1975- most likely late 50s or 60s.
In the book, a war widow with a boy and a girl takes a job as caregiver to an old country house. The children find a book in the library to “”change the wheel of time.” They some how see three children of a century before and become involved with them. At the end of the book, they children are discovered to be the heirs of the house.
Thanks in advance-I appreciate the information!
369N: Young Girl Makes it Through the Storm
Looking for a book w/ very little info. It was a novel my 5th grade teacher read to the class in 1984 or 1985. All I know is the title was “Alee” (or contained that word) and the cover was a drawing of a girl walking in strong wind. I remember it was about a young girl making it on her own and there was a storm and tumbleweeds. It would have been a children’s or young adults book. Sorry – I know that’s not much to go on.
369M: Small Cloud Escapes Doom
I’m looking for a children’s teaching/therapy type book. It is a paperback with a blue cover. I’m guessing that it was printed in the 2000s, but I’m not sure.
The book is about a small cloud who is happy with his cloud mom until one day he wants to go exploring on his own. (I feel like the cloud was a boy but I’m not sure.)
His mom says it’s okay so he goes off and soon runs into a group of cloud children. There’s a ringleader and the other clouds follow him/her and do what s/he says. He thinks they’re fun at first until they go higher and higher in the sky. He gets a funny/bad feeling in his tummy that tells him that this is wrong. He tries to break free from the group of clouds, who are being sucked together by the ringleader into one big dark cloud, but he finds that it’s difficult to get free. The other clouds are laughing at him. Then he draws on all of his strength, shouts “no!” (or something similar) at the clouds and he’s free.
He returns to his mom and tells her all about what happened. She responds by saying that she knew he was strong enough to do what was right (or something like that).
I’ve spent several hours entering different phrases into Google to try to find the book. I hope you have better luck that I’ve had.
369L: Series of animal stories
So there were many books in this series
-one was an animal stealing ribbons and the turtles wax for their bike without asking
-one was all the animals calling a little crow a monster because they thought he looked scary and they found out he was nice in the end
-one where two of the animals were trying to find treasure but get lost and stumble onto the old dogs fishing spot ( I think his name might have been old red or old blue) and he shows them that it’s under the plank because it was his old treasure
-one with a broken wagon
-one where they are playing baseball in the rain
-one where an animal thinks their birthday is forgotten but all the animals are throwing a surprise party
-and one where one of the animals is painting and their pet lady bug is stepping in the paint and making tracks
if i remember correctly each book also had a dvd.
369K: Russian farmer helps Santa
Children’s book from 70s/80s. Santa’s sleigh is stuck and Russian farmer helps him with his tractor. Story is told in song and the book has a vinyl album of music to accompany the story. Likely had a red cover.
369J: Two Sisters share room with secret alcove or passageway
My daughter is looking for a book that she checked out of the library in the early ’90s. This was probably a middle schoolers book. Two Sisters move with their parents a long drive away from where they previously lived. The first night they have to sleep on the floor in sleeping bags. They both want the bedroom that has some sort of alcove or passageway that ( might) lead to the outside. They fight, and one sister climbs out the window (?) and falls and possibly breaks her arm (?) . The story is told from the POV of the younger sister. They possibly have moved to a small town and the house might be a Farmhouse type house or older home.