Category Archives: Picture Book

363K: Tree Competition

I am looking for a children’s book, possibly from the 80’s, with beautiful illustrations of trees.  The trees are in competition to be king of the trees (?), with each tree arguing why it would be best.  May have an orange tree and an olive tree.  My adult son remembers liking this book and wants to find it now that he has a son. 

363I: Making Red Candles for Winter

I’m a librarian, and here’s how the patron described the book she remembers:
This would have been in the early to mid 90s. I recall a children’s book that described preparation for winter and the most vivid thing I remember was candle making with red berries. I think it was set in New England and possibly discussed pilgrims??
The candle making method was hand dipping these red candles for winter.
Very vivid pictures, deep saturated colors, simple illustrations, not too much detail, more landscape focused.

(Someone has suggested Tomie DePaola’s An Early American Christmas, but that’s not it.)

363E: Girl Cooks Jam With Grandma/Mother

I don’t remember many details, but when I was a child, I had a book about a girl and her mother or her grandma (can’t quite remember). I had the book around 1994 and it didn’t seem very old. It had some text but mostly pictures. The illustrations were very realistic (not cartoon type, etc). The art style reminds me of an old vintage “Pears” ad. The girl wore an old style dress and in parts, a pinny/apron. I think the story was about things the two of them did together, like cooking. On one page, I remember they made strawberry or raspberry jam and put it in jars and cover the top of the jars with cloth. It might have even included the recipe. And on another page, there is a heap of bubbles and within each bubble is a picture of the girl doing things she has done through the book; making the jam, etc.

Very vague. Not sure anyone out there will know what book I’m talking about with so little to go off but worth a try.

363A: Little Match Girl Gets Pennies From Heaven

I have been searching for a children’s book since I saw it in a catalog when I was expecting my second child in 1996.  The story is very similar to the Little Match Girl, but I loved it because instead of dying, pennies literally rain down on the girl and she does not die.  I ran into an employee of a book store several years later and she said she had the book as a child and it was titled “Pennies from Heaven”.  I have not been able to locate this book by the possible title or the description of the story.  Thanks for your help!

362P: Pets Hold Surprise Birthday Party for Woman (Solved!)

I have been looking for a book that was very important to me as a child that I lent to a friend and never was returned. It was about an older woman who lived alone with her pets , basically a picture book, the cover was a nighttime picture I believe of her house from a distance , as she was coming home to her animals , who had made her a birthday party to surprise her. It may have been called something like ‘the birthday party’, but I completely forget. I have been looking for many years for this book. No hits wherever I have searched, have tried all titles I could think of. Anyone? Probably 1950s.

362J: Goblin Wedding Flip Book

I’m looking for a children’s book that I remember being a type of flipbook, where the pages are divided into multiple horizontal strips where you flip them and are still creating images. The premise for this one was a goblin (maybe a troll) wedding, and a bunch of guests, including a sandman, were coming with gifts. In the end, the two being married form a heart between them, where the top of the heart was their long noses and the bottom was their feet meeting. If anyone can help me with this, that would be amazing.

362G: Christmas Board Book with Little Lights and Music

I have been searching for this book for years with no luck. It is a LONG LONG SHOT probably impossible 😫 but hopefully someone may know or may have had it too as a child.

I had a children’s Christmas book around 1993- 1996 that came from the The Book People (or a very similar company) that came to my mums work place. It was a large book between A3 maybe even A2 size, it had little coloured lights that came through tiny holes onto each page that flashed and it played music when you pressed a button. The button was within the page.

It wasn’t an old fashioned looking book. I unfortunately don’t remember the front cover picture (if I saw it I think I would!!) but I do remember one page had a large snowy scene with Father Christmas flying on his sleigh. It was a thick board book. I know this is not a lot to go on but I loved this book so much and would love to find it again for my children 🤞🏼


– Large Christmas board book A3/A2 size
– From The Book People or similar book club company (UK)
– Around 1993 – 1996 time
– It had little multicoloured lights that flashed. They were on the back page but came through tiny holes onto each page.
– There was a button which you pressed and it played a tune.

362D: Appalachian Storm (Solved!)

I’m looking for a beautifully illustrated children’s book, I *think* was called ‘Come a Flood’. It was set in I believe, the Appalachian mountains, and was written in that vernacular, about a coming rainstorm, that the grandma was forecasting, from the perspective of the damage it would cause to their farm, and the “holler”. Oddly, it was funny, and very cute, and neither of those qualities would come through, minus the illustrations. I came across the book in the early 2000’s, and feel in love, but couldn’t buy it, then – and haven’t seen it, since. I don’t know if it was a first edition, or a reprint.

I sincerely hope you can help me find it, so I’ll be able to read it to my grandchildren, someday…
Thank you!

361Y: Emily’s Animals Join the Family

Children’s picture book (title unknown) involving a blonde girl who brings home a menagerie of animals to live with her and her family. The animals were the basic variety e.g. dog, cat, bird, horse, etc. . . The illustrations I would describe as whimsical. The little girl’s name might have been Emily (asked a family member what they remembered, and they thought this but obviously could be wrong). The book was read between 2003-2007, it could have been published around or before this time. I’m located in Edmonton, Alberta so the book was at least likely published in North America. So far books that I can confirm aren’t it: Emily’s house, Tierparadies Emily & Co, Thanks for telling me, Emily